How to Navigate Today’s Financial Uncertainty – John MacGregor | Big Money Investing Review
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Video Transcript Are you ready it to the next level?Investing into sound investments like big money does. hello Robert kosaki and as you know we're in the middle of election season so whether you're an American or throughout the world this election between former president Donald Trump and Kamala Harris vice president is the most confusing and chaotic election I've ever seen but it's also I think the most important election of my lifetime so I'm going be talking today are...
Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money [Music] breaking news as tens of thousands of Bank of America customers have essentially had their money stolen that's right you guys tens of thousands of customers from New York all the way to California now have zero balances in their Bank of America accounts absolutely shocking now as of the recording of this video the only announcement that Bank of America has given us is that there's some type of outage but...
Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money How is money created? Where does it come from? Who benefits? And what purpose does it serve? What is a money system? What is the money behind the money system? For centuries the mechanics of the money system have remained hidden from the prying eyes of the populace. Yet its impact, both on a national and international level, is perhaps unsurpassed, for it is the monetary system that provides the foundations for international...