Ultimate GUIDE to Becoming a Very Wealthy Man | Brian Tracy | Big Money Investing Review

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[Music] did you know that everyone is born with genius skills that gradually fade away as they get older today it’s well known how and why this happens the famous writer and entrepreneur Brian Tracy proved that the skill of Genius can be returned at any time you just need to know how to do it a special block genome prevents the flow of information from the part of the brain responsible for Success thinking if it is not activated people simply cannot physically earn much and live their lives in poverty I have personally studied Brian Tracy’s research and established what specific habits help activate long unused jeans two of them are key so be sure to watch this video Until the End to find out what they are all about as a bonus you’ll learn how to raise your children to be future billionaires this is the main channel on finance hit the Subscribe button and get on the path to wealth with us Brian Tracy’s early years were almost no different from most people’s lives his father was a woodworker and his mother taught at school his parents income was barely enough to feed the whole family as Brian later confessed the only thing he remembers about his childhood was the constant feeling of hunger there was no money to go to a prestigious University so Tracy decided to quit school and get a job at first he was a handyman and then realizing that he could not make a fortune that way he decided to take a job as a sailor on a ship he spent eight years of his life traveling the world and building character and when he returned home he became a completely different person Brian Tracy changed changed his mindset in such a way as to achieve the part of him that had been blocked in his poor childhood by his parents at the same moment Tracy realized the main essence of life after that the future entrepreneur began to engage in sales and went phenomenally fast up the ladder of success now Brian Tracy is an authority in the field of business and personal growth he has helped millions of people increase their productivity improve their personal relationships and Achieve Financial Independence and thanks to the following tips he can help you too activate the positive attitude genome how much do you think our emotional state affects affluence Brian Tracy believes it is crucial a positive attitude can help us stay motivated overcome obstacles and save a sense of optimism even in difficult situations to tune into the right wave take a few essential steps first focus on the things you are grateful for this will help shift your perspective in a positive direction be sure to write them down on paper or better yet hang it on the fridge so it’s always in plain sight second when faced with a problem instead of dwelling on the negative aspects focus on finding a solution this will help optimize your time for problem solving third spend time with people who uplift and inspire you avoid negative people who depress you try to make a table rating each friend from 1 to 10 after analyzing the list decide with whom it may be worthwhile to limit communication Tracy says that many people find a positive attitude as something Elusive and not affecting real success but the entrepreneur is convinced that this is where you need to start on your way to the top got an idea go for it over the years Brian Tracy learned one important quality if he found an idea he immediately tried to put it to practice I found that almost everyone when they find an interesting idea does absolutely nothing with it but just thinks to themselves excellent idea Tracy believes this is completely wrong in any situation when you have an unusual idea in your head don’t get distracted but immediately start implementing it at the very least make a notebook where you write them down and always carry it with you of course most of the time the idea won’t work right away and it probably won’t happen the second or third time but something good will happen the 10th time for sure relax and let your ideas lead you to the right path of success and wealth 10 goals secret technique get a notebook and write down 10 goals that you want to achieve in the coming year very importantly each of them should be described in the present tense begin with the word I and have a specific date for example I want to buy a car November 25th now the notebook should become your best friend take it every morning Turn the page with your past records without reading them and start writing your 10 goals again filling out your notebook should definitely become your daily habit when you do this you’ll find that your goals have changed the words you use the order of them have changed but you should keep not looking at your past notes and every day is a new page Tracy assures that doing this exercise every day for a month will change your life forever each time you write down a goal you actually send it to your subconscious each day the goal sinks into it more and more writing down your goals without looking back it turns out that they gradually change goals that were written down at the beginning of the month may disappear altogether because it turns out they weren’t as important eventually you will be able to highlight those real necessary and most important goals which you will gradually start to fulfill by writing down your goals every morning you are programming yourself after that various opportunities will open up in front of you all day long bringing you closer to achieving your goals says Brian Tracy hit the like button if you have decided to start a notepad with your goals I want to see at least 1,000 future billionaires here the law of cause and effect Brian Tracy was told about this rule by a professional salesman it means if you want to achieve your goals then you should find a person who has already conquered the necessary Peak and try to do everything they did yes it might sound strange but only because poor thinking tells us don’t steal other people’s ideas don’t copy however this is not true ideas can be repeated which is why there is not one bank but thousands not one restaurant but hundreds of thousands plus you have to agree it makes it a lot easier in all of this according to Tracy there is the basic principle of wealth if you want to Triple your income find someone who whose profits are three times yours and ask them the question how did you do it most successful people are eager to talk about their accomplishments so all you have to do is ask seek information observe check record and then act the law of cause and effect is simple all life effects whether it’s Financial well-being Health feeling of joy and happiness have reasons using which you are guaranteed to come to the desired result such an example could be your boss your best friend’s acquaintance Etc the law of Faith this rule goes hand inand with a previous principle The Law of faith means whatever you believe in and sincerely convinced of becomes your reality because you always look at the world through the prism of your faith we do not see the world as it really is all people’s beliefs are an acquired skill and are taught from an early age if parents instill positive thinking in their children from a young age as the years go by they will feel like confident and happy people for example it’s so happened with the children children of Brian Tracy and the reason for this was just the fact that their faith their basic program has always said I will achieve what I want it’s only a matter of time at the same time according to Tracy faith can also limit you if you were constantly told that you will not succeed that you cannot become as rich as somebody else chances are those beliefs are already in your head to get rid of them start asking yourself the right questions like why are some people more successful than others later on it will turn out that you don’t have to have a college degree or a lot of money to be successful almost everyone has the necessary skills and most of them can and should be developed the only problem with negative attitudes is that they are illusions that most people on the planet have come to believe it’s time for Financial Risk start using your money to the best of your ability right away don’t keep it in your pocket emphasizes Brian there are many ways to make the most of the money you’re already earning and saving while budgeting is complicated and not always the most fun or doable thing it should be done anyway you can start by transferring money from your checking account to an investment account every paycheck instead of savings to make more Investments by investing your savings in real estate or stocks you actively profit from what might otherwise be lying in a savings account thus the opportunities to grow your financial capacity are endless use Banks when you sign a contract with a bank you are presented with Endless Options and guidance on how to manage your finances properly and efficiently for example you can use your bank app to check your credit or set up automatic savings transfers some banks even offer free financial planning Services when you open a credit line with them other Banks offer information and stock market financing options making investment a relatively simple process the bottom line is that there are hundreds of ways your bank can help you become more financially independent and knowledgeable the end must justify the means Brian Tracy believes that wealth is a chain of specific and achievable goals segmenting your budget becomes a much clearer practice when you know what you want out of your finances when you think about what you’d like to accomplish right now think about things like improving your credit rating paying off debt setting up an emergency fund or tracking monthly expenses when you set short-term goals for how you want to manage your finances you will begin to spend less save more and understand the complex idea of personal f Finance remember that the path to improving your financial situation begins with changing your spending habits some changes may be easier to adjust to than others but if you’re committed to the process you’ll end up with better financial management skills and in doing so you’ll have more money to put toward business Investments and more knowledge are a must because of a lack of basic Financial education many young people don’t know how to manage their income and expenses apply for and maintain credit cards or even get into debt to fix this you should take the time necessary to learn how finances work in detail you can gain more in-depth knowledge by watching YouTube tutorials or taking personal finance courses you have everything you need to get your money in order unfortunately most poor people are unfocused and disorganized workers who use about 50% of their power because they don’t know how to work differently it’s a big problem for them because they talk about success in a a different language it’s no secret that a person’s vocabulary determines their social status at the same time motivator and author Brian Tracy believes that our speech can have a direct impact on earning money according to Tracy some words help you earn more others in his opinion on the contrary push money away from a person imagine that just a few phrases in your vocabulary are guaranteed to make you rich writer and philologist John Tolkien was one of the first to notice how much certain phrases affect a person in one of his post war articles Tolkien stated that the word is man’s most powerful weapon a writer can create the world around you with a few sentences a dictator will lead an entire country to war for his interests through a fiery speech we can please and at the same time wound each other with words to emphasize this point Brian Tracy adds that some words can make money in one of his videos Brian cites as proof an experiment conducted by a team of psychologists and linguists at the University of California they studied the impact of certain words on the human subconscious for example talking about food causes abundant salivation and contributes to the feeling of hunger this is due to the fact that a person involuntarily begins to imagine food and the process of eating it talking about creativity in turn stimulates the productivity of the right hemisphere of the brain and increases the feeling of inspiration and mathematical theories on the contrary put the left hemisphere to work thereby including the person’s analytical thinking communicating with successful people also affects your subconscious mind talking about business ideas and money makes your brain think through the process of achieving them States Tracy according to Brian such studies confirm the fact that certain words can affect a person financially accordingly he revealed a few phrases that will help you become richer the tight rope Walker phenomenon talking about magic words often attracts the attention of esotericists the phras is I want to become success successful or I will have a lot of money according to Tracy can have a positive effect on you but only in working through your own dreams and their visualizations in life it’s better to use phrases that will push you to take real action personal growth is directly related to the word balance a successful person is first of all a tight rope Walker combining different approaches in his life to solve one problem in your case it’s career growth or increase earnings says Tracy the path to a rich life according to Brian should be comprehensive development in different directions will come out of the most difficult situations a winner improving yourself from different sides you become flexible and able to solve any problem you might need to stay calm in one situation and make fast decisions in another one only by keeping a balance and discovering different angles of your personality can you improve your life several times over because at first glance most people today make a lot of money thanks to their ideas but Tracy is convinced that such a thought is deceptive wealth is created by leaders the people who know how to unite and convince you personally may not have a global plan that will make you successful but your team with the combined efforts of your team can create this plan at the same time even being on the career ladder you can move forward convincing everyone around you that you are worthy if you want to become rich be specific in your statements and many people will allow you to move forward when you just ask them convince them with a Reason by giving giving them the magic word because and even more people will answer you in the affirmative after all they want to see meaning in what they do this according to Tracy means that people who can persuade are the ones who get ahead and become rich happiness positive thinking is beneficial to your productivity plus it increases your chances of gaining useful connections with other people States Tracy wealth gravitates toward happy and cheerful people and avoids those who spend most of their lives in sadness if you want Financial well-being love your life and learn to enjoy even the little things do not forget to give joy and positive emotions to other people then the world is sure to thank you with an abundance of financial chances try to focus on the positives throughout the day and then tell your friends and family about them the phrase it made me happy today should be an integral part of your vocabulary says Tracy give this video a thumbs up if you’re excited about every new day let’s see how many of us positive individuals are ready to change our lives here and now confidence believe in your own strength as your personal motivation to solve any problems if you have a firm foot on the path to wealth you certainly won’t slip along the way stress is Tracy confidence is one of the fundamental feelings of successful people when you believe in yourself you’ll notice how much life will favor you frequent repetition of the word will help you feel confident in your abilities to convince yourself of your own faith even if at first you have doubts have you ever seen a successful person lack confidence I haven’t their eyes light up their words facial expressions actions and gestures say only that they know what they are doing and they prove it to others confidence gives an incredible boost even when it seems like everything is about to go downhill be fully confident in yourself and you will do incredible things believing is the best hoping and waiting is the strategy of many people who want to get rich of course it is not right but you should not completely abandon hope in the pursuit of big money paired with confidence in yourself and your decisions you should always have hope for Success all people face setbacks but what matters is how they deal with it if you learn to hope for the best no matter what situation you’re in you’ll find it easier to accept defeat and at the same time you will not devote a lot of time to your Victory says Tracy I will change the world the word is a really good tool you can use to negotiate AR raise or convince people to invest in your idea to all that it’s essential to understand that you can really get your brain to find different opportunities to create more money with words convince yourself that there is nothing stopping you from changing the world today at least in your field division then you will move forward and reach your goals successful people are simply those who have successful habits is the simple truth of Brian Tracy everyone is born with equalities to reach the heights but as it happens many have lost them or stopped developing them Tracy points out the importance of developing positive habits such as goal setting time management continuous learning and persistence as these are the building blocks of success share in the comments your one great goal you’d like to achieve in the coming year let’s share our thoughts and motivate each other to get to the top this is the main channel on finance subscribe think and get rich [Music]

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