Bank of America: The Next Bank Run | $0 DOLLARS IN ACCOUNT

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money [Music] breaking news as tens of thousands of Bank of America customers have essentially had their money stolen that's right you guys tens of thousands of customers from New York all the way to California now have zero balances in their Bank of America accounts absolutely shocking now as of the recording of this video the only announcement that Bank of America has given us is that there's some type of outage but...


Redfin CEO: Housing To See Major Price Cuts, ‘Soft Summer’ Ahead | Glenn Kelman

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money almost every real estate broker is having conversations with home sellers about when you're going to mark this property down so we can get it to move homeowners are emotionally committed to their property uh they have in mind a number and they're loathed to give it up and so that makes home prices stickier uh but still I think it's going to be a pretty soft summer for home prices we're starting...