Robert Kiyosaki: The Crash That Will Change A Generation

Video Transcript

Are you ready it to the next level?
Investing into sound investments like big money does.

[Music] we’re in Sera of trouble when the bond markets collapse so does the stock market collapse I mean it’s going to be massive this will be the largest transfer of wealth we will ever see in the history of money and today we’re talking about real money not this garbage here not this fake paper stuff I just don’t know why people work for this garbage this is toilet paper why do people hang with the toilet paper I don’t know our program today is to kind of break people away from the idea that this is money but anyway way they printed more money and we never heard about it just recently they printed so much more of this trash just to prevent the banks cuz it was silvergate and silver ronals Banks were going down they had to do something so they basically took t- bills everybody thinks are safe and they basically liquefied it and now they’re flooding the system more of this stuff the reason I’m on this point here is because I get into a lot of fights with friends and family and people like that and they want to hang on to this they want to save this at the same time the fed and the treasury are printing trillions and we’re hanging on to it but I am Japanese but also the Japanese are number one Savers in the world and what do they save Yen and t- bills us T bills I mean Japanese maybe get admitted to Harvard and Princeton and Yale but they don’t know Jack about money because they save Yen I would never save Yen I wouldn’t even use Yen as toilet paper that’s how bad it is but the Japanese proudly save it and the government Prince trillions of it and my friends would come up and they say you saying buy silver I said yeah buy it did you buy any no we were telling the world to buy silver I think silver was two bucks or something and today 24 bucks this dollar has come down and these guys are still saving this toilet paper or Yen or pesos or Euro what do you think of my comment would you save the Yen no I wouldn’t save the US dollar I wouldn’t save the end I wouldn’t save any paper currency at this point they’ve been printing money so fast uh it seems to get worse and worse every year and the Dollar’s going nowhere but down no and it’s getting worse I mean just recently I mean within the last 6 months when Silverado and silver where those Banks were when they tried to stop inflation by raising interest rates the bond markets collapsed when the bond markets collapsed so does the stock market collapse and we have a baby boom generation My Generation we’re in serious trouble serious serious trouble because they’re saving paper stocks bonds mutual funds ETS things I wouldn’t touch you can do it if you like I don’t have to cuz I own the physical asset I own the mines I own businesses I’m an entrepreneur but so many people are being set up yeah they are being set up and really Robert I look for tipping points and the Tipping point when they really started printing up a lot of money goes all the way back to the year 2000 when Allen Greenspan after the dotcom bubble just started printing money like crazy people don’t understand but we had $5.6 trillion worth of debt in 2000 I mean on balance sheet debt and now we’re at 33 trillion what happens to real money when that happens if you go back to 2000 the gold market was trading at $275 an ounce silver was about $3.50 an ounce we’ve added so much paper money it’s making the value of tangible assets worth much much more that’s what people have to get wrapped around in their head every time they print more of this paper money that becomes worth less and the tangible assets become worth more and right now the next hot new thing is that AI artificial intelligence I did a talk to my friend Ken Mao event somebody said what is AI is it a college degree you don’t learn anything about money that was my poor dad PhD I kept saying PhD is for poor helpless and desperate and then you go see a financial planner who’s only rewarded by selling you paper final planer will not recommend gold or silver because they got no commission from it is that correct they don’t want to recommend that which is really sad because if we back to 2000 you know I always use this example and some people agree with the time period some people don’t but I like using long-term Horizons in 2000 if you would have invested $100,000 in the stock market forgetting about dividends here for a second today that’d be worth about $320,000 if you would have invested $80,000 in the stock market and $20,000 in the gold market that’s worth 385,000 you picked up $65,000 extra dollars in your bank account over that time period by investing just 20% in Precious Metals why because they print up more and more of the paper money the fake money and the tangible assets become worth more and more look you’ve lived it you started this a long time ago with your education about real estate and precious metals those are tangible assets that have appreciated in value you would have done very well by owning those and gotten away from that paper dollar right I’ll just say I don’t trust anything they can print it’s that simple I own oil I don’t own you know standard oil or Exxon I own the oil in the ground I don’t want anything they can print but that’s me but that’s what Rich Dad stands for we don’t recommend going to college and getting a college degree then your PhD and then look for a job I mean oh my God especially today because you know that been listening to records and what’s happening with AI unemployment’s about to go through the roof you know rickords is calling for tens of thousands of people to be laid off simply because the economy is sliding into a recession possible depression and all the manufacturing companies throughout Europe and all that they don’t have jobs they don’t have any work coming in and China you know China didn’t save the economy and people are still going to school looking for a job saving money putting the money in a 401k full of 41k and IRAs and all this other mutual funds and ETFs anything you can print I don’t want to trust but that’s me I’m not recommending you do what I do but that’s why all these years I’ve been saying buy silver and of course has anybody bought silver no they hang on to that Yen oh yeah they love that paper dollar it makes them feel rich when you can look at it in your bank account really I think that’s the Allure of everything hey I see how much money is in my bank account it’s absolutely doing nothing first you weren’t getting any interest now you’re getting a little interest that’s still below the rate of inflation so it’s not help anyone at all and uh like I said your education for people is so important especially now with this Ai and how much money is getting printed that people really should start listening here and how many people would lose their jobs in a few more years I mean it’s going to be massive about 25% of the building is completely empty I just resigned my lease for the same amount of money in my lease per square foot that I signed 8 years ago they had to do that because any more people leave this building the bank won’t even refinance their loan going forward so they’re just forced in into lower and lower lease rates but that gives you some sort of an idea 25% of a building in the middle of Los Angeles is completely empty and they can’t fill it up well they’re all moving to Arizona that’s why I Saw The Light about 30 years ago when California tried to tax my worldwide income and people don’t know what that means because they don’t have worldwide income but if you’re an entrepreneur I have income coming from all over the world so they want to take all of that and said adios and we left oh sure hey not only that if you leave the state they want to keep taxing you after you leave the state so not a tax friendly State at all we must be in sci-fi or someplace we’re in a bad movie right Kevin oh yeah it is a bad movie and uh this money printing is going to continue and the government has no choice but to print money there is absolutely no choice but to print money that’s all they know how to do it’s not only do they not know anything else to do but I’ll give you an example we’ll have a fun game here I’ll prove to people you can’t stop printing money as the United States or basically any other country so you and I live on an island and you’re the banker because you’re a smart guy and you have all the money and that money is 10 shells so the whole Island’s money supply is these 10 shells and I come to you and I said Robert I have this incredible entrepreneurial idea you look at me and you say that is unbelievable I will loan you the 10 shells at 10% interest I take those 10 shells I spend it to start my business at the end of the year I get all 10 shells back and I come and I give them back to you and you put me out of business why because there isn’t an 11th shell to pay you the interest you as the banker have to print it up out of thin air so that I have the interest to pay you that is what the government does in banking they have to print more money so that piece of paper that you keep holding up is absolutely worthless it’s going to get more and more worthless over time because you can’t stop printing money yes but you should save money save money every dollar they print that shell just became worth less and less and less people don’t understand we’re going to pay you 3% interest inflation is running at six can you do the math let’s say I’m getting 3% interest let’s say and it’s running at 6% inflation what’s wrong with the math I’m happy only going broke slowly that’s the problem with people I can’t believe how eff and stupid people are I mean I really mean that we don’t use those words here CPI is Consumer Price inflation basically because ladies and gentlemen this is toilet paper and it’s becoming more and more toilet paper every single day for full disclosure I own gold mines and Silver Mines and I own oil wells I don’t own any paper stocks I just don’t trust the government or I don’t trust Wall Street and I definitely don’t trust the Federal Reserve Bank if you have friends family cousins or relatives or that stupid neighbor on the street who’s still saving trash pull up this and discuss the subject of is this money is this trash is this fake and are you going broke saving money get together with friends and family and discuss it like I said my family is you we’re fourth generation Japanese but we still act Japanese we still save money and I talk to my brothers and sisters and they think well I got to save this and I started this whole program to Kevin said would you save the Yen but that’s what the Japanese are doing and the Mexicans are saving pesos the Europeans are saving euros and the US are saving US Dollars that’s how stupid people are when it comes to money and as I’ve always asked people what do school teach you about money answer is nothing and that was not a mistake 1991 silver was about $3.75 an ounce got down to $275 an ounce that’s when Warren Buffett purchased a bunch of you know the silver and then here we are at $25 an ounce so had a pretty good run and I still say to people I talk to everybody about gold and silver cuz I don’t save dollars when I have extra money I buy gold and silver and I keep it in a vault far away from my home I had a friend who s on stage with me says yeah I buy gold and silver and I keep it in my home I said why don’t you just invite everybody over you know I mean idiot never keep it at home right I got some crazy stories it was a guy that purchased a fair amount of gold and silver and fairly wealthy guy and goes on vacation and had a floor safe and his kid showed his next door neighbor friend the floor safe and when they came back there was a jackhammer halfway through getting the safe out of the ground and they called who rented the Jackhammer it was the kid so yeah I probably wouldn’t keep it at home there’s all sorts of crazy stories that I could give about keeping it at on go back to the story on the desert island with the shells I mean what happens after that you’re on an island with these 10 shells and you loan me those 10 shells there’s only 10 shells that’s the money that was on the island and you lend it to me with 10% interest I can’t pay you back unless you the banker prints up another shell for me so that I can get that shell it’s impossible for the government not to print more money each and every year so if you think that is going to become worth more you would have to believe that the government’s going to stop printing money they stop printing money the economy collapses right corre paper money is going to get worth less and less and I’m going to tell you something I think the central banks have been listening to your program last year because the central banks last year purchased 25% of all the gold mined last year think about this they can print money and take that printed money that they printed out of thin air and they went and bought 25% of the 1,50 metric tons of gold central banks purchased they don’t even trust their own money no of course not and then recently this is what people do not understand is when the debt ceiling was at 30 trillion or some ungodly number a trillion seconds is 32,000 years think about that that’s the debt they record that’s also off-balance sheet debt which is balance sheet debt is almost twice as big as the on balance sheet debt because if you add it all together we’re at A1 trillion dollar so if you had the Social Security and pensions and Medicare and Medicaid and all the off balance sheet liabilities our debt is much much bigger however as more and more people retire that debt will start to becoming on balance sheet debt because they’re going to have to borrow the money to pay those people and then it switches over to the other side of the equation so it’s a scary situation and how far the dollar could fall if that happens and there’s one more thing happens to Johannesburg South Africa the bricks nations are meeting break stands for Brazil Russia India China South Africa what it means to me is that if they create this currency back by gold Robert this will be the largest transfer of wealth between nations we will ever see in the history of money the bricks were just five nations a while ago they estimate by the time the meeting comes in there may be 41 Nations that’s correct they’re so pissed off the United States reping us off paying fake money even the bricks nations are pissed off but Americans no we have no idea but the bricks are pissed and so they’re going to join up and they’re going to say we’re not going to take your piece of toilet paper anymore what does that mean Kevin well two things want to go back those five countries if people don’t understand who they are you said it Brazil Russia India China and South Africa that’s 40% of the population of the world 3.2 billion people is 40% of the population just those five countries you start adding in more countries where’s the Tipping Point you get to 50% or 60% of the people the Dollar’s gone but here’s what it means to me with the transfer of wealth let’s forget about the fact that there’s a little bit of paper in this brick currency and we just use gold okay I came from International banking which you just asked me about so I understand trade very well the United States has almost last year a $960 billion trade deficit if we were dealing just in Gold we were trading gold back and forth I would have sent 960 billion extra dollars to a country that sent me toys clothes cars everything that depreciates and they ended up with almost a trillion dollars worth of gold so what happens to that currency to have that currency you need to back it by gold that means there’s going to be some gold demand which probably pushes up the price of gold it’s backed by gold it pushes up the value of that currency and it pushes down the value of the dollar so my deficit keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger and I keep throwing more and more gold over to them and I have less when it’s paper dollars nobody gets it but you turn it into gold or let’s say I was trading real estate heck the whole real estate market in the United States is worth $70 trillion if I give a trillion dollars to a different country of our real estate that’s one and a half% of our real estate in six years I’ve given 10% of our real estate away that’s what it means and they’re gonna sell a lot more Barbie dolls you know from China y y yay which will push up the trade deficit yeah we paid a trillion extra for Barbie dolls and we gave them gold for Barbie dolls you know it’s crazy it will be the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of Nations if this thing goes through the dollar I heard you say it the dollar gets repatriated back into the United States and inflation goes through the roof because paper means nothing that gold backed currency will be where everybody goes including how we need to purchase that to now have trade with those other countries we’re basically purchasing gold and throwing it back to them well how much do you think Barbie doll would be worth next year you know for you and I that’s how ridiculous it is same amount as a silver here I have this but I have the Barbie doll well screwed up people are people can say see I don’t save cash because I use debt to buy real estate so I use 100% debt financing I don’t recommend it that’s what I do but when the cash comes in I convert it to Gold and Silver and it’s stored as far away as Switzerland you know I don’t want anybody near my gold or silver and I own I took a gold company public from Utah and I own silver mine in Argentina some pretty hardcore in this whole thing but my question is for the person just starting out if they have what’s called an IRA individual retirement account I don’t save cash I save gold and silver tangible real I don’t have any paper gold or silver I have no ETF you can buy a silver ETF it’s under SLV and gold ETF is glv that’s paper gold and paper silver that would be like someone giving us a phone call and I said hey look I’ll sell you the gold and then I’m going to deliver 80% of it over to HSBC Bank and you know Hong Kong or over in Great Britain that’s where it’s going to be held but it’s not 100% in Gold would you do it most people would say no okay well then why are you doing GLD or SLV you’re not getting 100% backing of gold and it’s held somewhere else that you could never get a hold of it I don’t think anybody would really want to do that if they thought about it long enough hypothecation means you buy this thing in a piece of paper and they’ll sell it 10 different times they’ll just keep selling the same piece of crap silver paper 10 20 30 times so what happens if a person wants their money back at the same time which is what might happen with the bricks Nation August 22nd this year there won’t be any gold or silver there that’s the possibility it’s a Futures and options Market they’re selling gold and silver silver they don’t have I just want people to start saving gold and silver not dollars because they’re going to print more and more and more of it as the debt gets bigger and the economy goes into a downturn and as I said my friend Jim rickit who also recommends gold Jim rck is calling gold to go to 15,000 an ounce today it’s about 2,000 so he’s got a ways to go yet but anyway ladies and gentlemen a lot of people who are in the no don’t trust the dollar they don’t trust the Federal Reserve Bank they don’t trust the treasury and they don’t trust Wall Street if you if you do keep saving this toilet paper what does the school teacher know about money nothing it’s a game the whole system is in trouble my biggest concern is that inflation is now systemic and when Powell said it’s transitory that was a lie when Biden took the Keystone XL pipeline offline oil went from $30 a barrel to $120 a barrel that was inflation not the printing of money and so this thing here became less valuable and that’s my concern I say it’s not what the fed’s going to do what are you going to do and so I always talk about the Four G’s I’ve been investing in for most of my life the first G is gold and I stay away from the slvs or the glds I want no counterparty risk I want the real stiff other thing I’m investing is ground I own apartment houses I’m glad I’m not in Office Buildings or commercial real estate and then gasoline you know gasoline the Greenies hate the thing but that’s how we fly our planes and stuff like this and then the last one is food I invest in cattle and food so I just stay in things that as goes up gold goes up real estate goes up gasoline goes up and food goes up so I invest with the inflation not against it well I’m a big advocate for financial education so in the 1970s when I got out of the Marine Corps my rich dad had me take two things I had to learn how to sell because sales equals income and then I had to learn how to invest in real estate because real estate is debt so most people say you know live debt free I had to learn to use debt as money and as you guys know in won Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard and the US dollar became debt so I do almost everything opposite of what the pundit say I’m not debt-free I use debt as money to acquire real estate and that minimizes my taxes that’s what I do I own equities of companies I’ve taken public I’ve taken two companies public one off the Vancouver Stock Exchange via an IPO and the second on New York Stock Exchange via an IPO I don’t trust anything that can be printed I like the hard St I am a commodity guy well real estate’s dependent upon jobs as you know so I’m a little bit concerned about the number of layoffs coming in the tech industry so I’d be very careful about jobs I live in Phoenix Arizona that’s why Taiwan semiconductors moved here so our job market is really strong so the first thing I said to young people is I would take a real estate investment course they don’t cost very much I love crisises because when crisises come in crisis are low for example after 2008 I borrowed $300 million to buy some of the best real estate in the world I would take classes on real estate before you do it the reason is real estate is not liquid see a stock is liquid if I buy apple and I don’t like it I can sell it that night I buy a house or something I’m stuck with it for a while so I highly recommend more liquid the investment the more you have to be competent and study I get into fights on YouTube with some of these real estate guys who are promoting what I consider very risky investment strategy especially in real estate I’ll say it again real estate is il liquid this is as liquid as it gets stocks are liquid so you can get in and out but the moment you go into real estate or you start a business you’re eLiquid and so the El liquid the assets you’re investing in the smarter you’ve got to be

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Comments (40)

  • @nikhilsm5171 June 19, 2024 Reply

    He missed the AI factor where regular jobs will be cut down on one end and stagnation will eat up the rest

  • @user-ng5oe1nb7g June 19, 2024 Reply

    That fake money got lots of people were they are thats why diff nationalities come to the US an work for it what you do with it is depending on you

  • @larryclark9380 June 19, 2024 Reply

    Toilet paper was a valuable commodity in 2021.

  • @Itsonlythetruth June 19, 2024 Reply

    I thought Robert is Japanese he keeps using we interchangeably. Taiwan Japanese American

  • @DanielGennaro June 19, 2024 Reply

    Thank you baby boomers. We just wanted a pot to piss in. Sincerely, millennials.

  • @willadskristoffersen2778 June 19, 2024 Reply

    Why spes this sound like sn ai? 😂

  • @IsabellaLisa-vz3jz June 19, 2024 Reply

    Every crash/collapse brings with it an equivalent market chance if you are early informed and equipped, I've seen folks amass up to $1m amid crisis, and even pull it off easily in a favourable economy. Unequivocally, the bubble/collapse is getting somebody somewhere rich

  • @swedish_sadhguru3854 June 19, 2024 Reply

    Should I keep cash and wait for the crash? I sold all my stocks recently.

  • @Raymondcraw1967RaymondCrawley June 19, 2024 Reply

    Creating wealth entails establishing positive routines, I had only $78k to my name at 42 when I first woke up to this reality. I chose the stock market as a medium of growth, got an excellent financial advisor, Financial management is a vital subject that many avoid, often leading to future regrets.

  • @mikeburrello4396 June 19, 2024 Reply

    What happens if they stop mining or what happens if gold is not accepted for purchases? I dont know anywhere that accepts gold as payment for anything.

  • @user-ir8rv3ud4g June 19, 2024 Reply

    El sistema económico esta muerto, la deuda es impagable, la única forma de resetear es una fuerza mayor, por ejemplo una guerra y eso vamos a tener. Saludos desde Suiza.

  • @JohnyZman June 19, 2024 Reply

    Where can you actually buy gold?

  • @yeahman1756 June 19, 2024 Reply

    don't buy gold or silver.. Buy Rights To Ownership of land, guns and ammos, food and water.. Gold and silver is as worthless as papernote.. You can't carry all that shiet with you nor it's hard to authenticate what's real and not real.. You can't survive with gold and silver just like paper money.

  • @RichardRichiuso June 19, 2024 Reply

    This guy is talk b***** ever since I first started listening to him. I don't listen to him no more because hes an idiot.

  • @arlindacraven5405 June 19, 2024 Reply

    The collapse was supposed to happen last March, no?!

  • @EverlyndPerez June 19, 2024 Reply

    Crash market fatigue is showing with most people. Most are so tired of hearing about the worse even though its true. We are being boiled slowly in the pot! I want to diversify my $250k portfolio.

  • @nicknames5325 June 19, 2024 Reply

    Just 70, 80%?

  • @Happycamper181 June 19, 2024 Reply

    I have to pay my mortgage with silver? Name one company takes silver for my bills.. yeah, right! 10:41 Pawn broker. Will convert you with toilet paper. I forgot. Reality check pls! I hope you didnt buy your blue eye glasses with silver. Lol

  • @GangstaFarts June 19, 2024 Reply

    no matter what they label it, all I did was simply work low and avg paying jobs and did fine. I'm more concerned about us being overtaxed for every transaction from your work check to food, clothes, cars, houses…

  • @aatukarkkainen6335 June 19, 2024 Reply


  • @ska1929 June 19, 2024 Reply

    It is not even a paper money. So called "money" created out of nothing. Sorry. Based on people's trust – only!

  • @kenrasimebey5256 June 19, 2024 Reply

    It seems many have not read the constitution which states gold and silver are to be used to pay debts! You have been hoodwinked by your own people not some corporation that can’t speak! Caveat Emptor!

  • @cheezee8169 June 19, 2024 Reply

    I can use some toilet paper.

  • @benitabussell5053 June 19, 2024 Reply

    Crash market fatigue is showing with most people. Most are so tired of hearing about the worse even though its true. We are being boiled slowly in the pot! I want to diversify my $250k portfolio.

  • @MrGoofwad June 19, 2024 Reply

    We NEED Trump back

  • @kortyEdna825 June 19, 2024 Reply

    Coming out of facing alot, I knew two things about the stock market: It caused the Great Depression, and the fastest way to make a million on the markets was to start with two million. And then the Great Recession happened only a few years later. So yeah, I wish someone had better explained it to me earlier in life. Having a good entry and exit strategy will make you succeed in the stock market.

  • @JessicaFloress-gc7pq June 19, 2024 Reply


  • @rickybailey7123 June 19, 2024 Reply

    If they are saleng gold and silver they don't have and u own the mines well u know where to sale gold at why u trying to get other people to buy it when u have every thing figured out lol yep

  • @adamanderson521 June 19, 2024 Reply


  • @avasdv June 19, 2024 Reply

    If we lose our exorbitant privilege, the dollar will collapse to other currencies. We'll have to get our hands on gold or another currency to trade and it will be expensive.. sooo.. there is an upside. The downside is our quality of life will go down but we will become a manufacturing country again, with more manufacturing jobs and fewer "service" jobs. Let's also be honest for what we did to the world over the last 100 years, firebombing Dresden (yeah some people never forget) and enabling the Soviets to come and rp) and bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,, and so on, despite our intentions and idealism and our gullibility, we deserve to be humbled.. and it won't even be that bad. We'll be decent manufacturers again not so full of ourselves, and me, ill own properties mostly free and clear thanks to inflation purging my debt – if the state doesn't seize or rent control me or if there isn't world war 3. And hey everyone is going to die at some point so live right

  • @avasdv June 19, 2024 Reply

    Robert, you lit the fuse in me. Years later, now i have 12 doors. Not a lot but not nothing

  • @cardboardboxification June 19, 2024 Reply

    Colapse ?? congress don't care they stuffed their pockets, friends and family with that 35 trillion

  • @ClubJuventudAncietaAlta June 19, 2024 Reply

    I totally agree with you regarding having hard assets in order to retain our savings. But I need to remind everybody that life is about cash flow and you always need to remain with a positive cash flow. My thoughts there are around taxes, that is to say that is something that none of us can get around because essentially the government has guns…. Unlike other collection people, they always get their man! So my point is simply that even if you have hard assets, you need to make sure you have the cash flow every month…. I would buy Bitcoin and buy hard assets like gold /silver as a store of value while also actively trading…The only wild card for us investors is to actively engage the market by trading, it's about playing it smart and steady during trading…managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 432k in the space of a few months… I'm especially grateful to Aaron Gavin, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape.

  • @ClubJuventudAncietaAlta June 19, 2024 Reply

    Big ups and big love for the awesome daily content. Because inflation devalues your savings, it compels everyone to be an investor. Meaning you need to preoccupy yourself or offload your time/energy to the study of investment opportunities both of which are very costly. Thanks to Aaron Gavin for showing me the appropriate way to get into bitcoin investing and trading with his trade signal and investing guidelines. Investing and trading are more than just having TA skills. There is a big component of discipline and emotional maturity, that one has to work on! Time in the market vs. timing the market. If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm! Within some months I was making a lot more money and have continued on that same path with Aaron Gavin

  • @Ixorpehc June 19, 2024 Reply

    Smartest thing I've done with my money is invest it in art masterpieces from dead and living artists. The dumbest thing I've done was attend the university.

  • @a.i1970 June 19, 2024 Reply

    So If You Want A Contry To Thrive😏 Then Pay Ya Fuckin Taxes Bruh😌

    It's Simple🤗

    Because They Don't Care About The Contry, They Care About Themselves😎

  • @a.i1970 June 19, 2024 Reply

    & Drug Dealers Don't Pay Taxes Either😌

    So It's Everyone Who Doesn't Pay Their Taxes Fault, That We're All In This Mess Now🤗

    Note That😎

  • @toddcook7759 June 19, 2024 Reply

    I believe the crash will so severe that American will no longer be a super power. Best case. Worse case the country will not exist.

  • @tomwest684 June 19, 2024 Reply

    Precious metals are just like bitcoin.

  • @FelineAirstrip June 19, 2024 Reply

    How can I safeguard my investment portfolio of around $200,000 amidst the economic crisis?

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