Robert Kiyosaki exposes the True Controllers of the World | Rich Dad Poor Dad x Straight Talk

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I’m Mike Boris and this is straight talk every time the economy goes bad war starts do you think it’s going to happen again we’re already in it Robert kosaki Robert kosaki entrepreneur educator and investor best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad your book Rich Dad Poor Dad I don’t know anybody who hasn’t read this book if you can control your money you control your life a rich dad taught me about investing play Monopoly four green houses red Hotel this is what the hand does the Mind remembers it’s a golden rule who has the goal makes the rules China is in serious financial trouble America has the biggest detto Nation the world printing one trillion every 90 days and they’re issuing it is debt yeah and there’s still no Financial education if you’re hoping the government’s going to save you and you’re in trouble I’m saying wake up it’s imperative that every Azie educate themselves to protect themselves Aussie can change the world it’s a small powerful Lucky Country but the world is caving in around you guys don’t [ __ ] it up Robert Kaki welcome to Straight Talk mate honored to be your program and congratulations all your entrepreneurial success that’s impressive thanks very much well it’s coming from you that’s a big rap thanks very much no I’m serious that is like here we are we got your book like this is like iconic and I don’t know I actually don’t know anybody in austral I mean this I’m not just uh your book Rich Dad Poor Dad I don’t know anybody there’s lots of people probably haven’t read but I don’t know anybody who hasn’t read this book honestly and I I’m dying to get you to write in it for me before you go if you don’t mind hopefully it’s not your last one I hope so reorder yeah reorder please tell a quick Story the book was turned down by every publisher in New York no they said when it comes to money you don’t know what you’re talking about so this was 30 years ago and now it’s still number one in the world so so this book’s still number one in the world and it was turned down by Publishers yeah and are we talking and you said 30 years ago this book’s been around for 30 years yeah I’m God 1997 it came out wow that’s time so fast for all of us like it feels like it was maybe 10 15 years ago but 30 years ago yeah well Aussie was a I I love this country it is The Lucky Country it really is but they’re the most receptive to my ideas is that right yeah I forgot what hotel I was staying at but my hotel room there was boxes and I mean not books boxes of books and I sat there for hours just autographing them so the AES were really receptive which gave me a big start oh that’s and can you what is the if you could tell us as opposed to what we interpret but what do you think is the basic premise or the thesis of why you wrote this book and what the book stands for well as you know the great battle in the on the planet Earth is Marxism versus capitalism and in 1965 I was 17 years old I went to school in New York went to military school and um my economics teacher had us read The Communist Manifesto by Marx and that was pretty radical you know what I mean to a school teaching Marxism but rather than study canes and malus and all this he he had us read marks and I realized most School teachers like my poor dead are marxists not bad people me wrong it’s like a religion you know what religion and as you know what Mark said was abolition of private property was the number one goal and to this guy CLA Schwab out of Austria wherever he’s at he says someday you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy so that’s what’s going on in the planet and a lot of people subscribe to that so my poor dad was a Marxist number two was that workers of the World Unite My Poor Dad was head of the labor un teachers union today the biggest Union in America teachers unions and that’s why we have no Financial education our school the third thing was that oh yeah a graduating income tax was essential for the spread of Communism and as you know I mean we we’re tax to death now and America was found as a taxfree nation in 1773 we had the Boston T part to Kick the Bloody English out but what happened in 1773 the British British East India flag was transferred to the US and it became the US flag so if you look at the British India East India flag which ran Australia also the American flag is the British East India Club flag flag so they the banks traded you know what I mean yeah the bankers control the world like it or not they control the world and they still do yes exactly cuz you would know that more than anybody they and like you know we and when you try to take them on yeah might get a little bit of uh you might get a bit of their territory you might actually get a bit of their market share but eventually over time they Chang the rules that we all abide by but they changed the rules against you and eventually they now control the market again here in Australia and by the way the GFC was the greatest opportunity for them to take control back again they did and and in Australia Co recently or the so-called Co or pandemic whatever you want to call it the flu um it gave crazily enough this is so crazy you wouldn’t think this would happen but somehow our big banks in Australia took a greater control of the Australian uh lending Market than they have had in the last 40 years because of covid because the government gave them a whole lot of money on the premise that we need to give Banks money to Kickstart Australia again in the construction and lending environments we live off Construction in this country housing instruction and we’ll give it to you at 0. one of a perc for 3 years fixed 200 billion and go lend it and they lended 2% record low rates and that gave Banks market share they they took control of the mar the market again which is quite interesting uh banks are smarter than everyone gives them credit for they have smarter people than everyone gives them credit for your your Rich Dad Poor Dad is is it an education attempt by you to educate people stuff they don’t learn at school My Poor Dad was head of education for the state of Hawaii very smart man good man big-hearted but when I read Communist Manifesto in ‘ 65 I went he’s a Marxist you know abolition of private property hated the rich liked taxes labor unions and that’s a free country think what you want and my rich dad was my best fr’s father capitalist and so I was had both capitalist education and Marxist education so I went to military school to learn all this you know I I flew for the US Marine Corps in Vietnam and we killed a lot of Communists out there it was sad so my concern is as you know America’s on the going to war again because every time the economy goes bad war starts so that’s what brought Hitler to power back in the early years you know do do you think it’s going to happen again we’re already in it so can we explore a bit because that’s a bit fascinating to me I mean by the way something I’m concerned about because when things are going bad for a political movement let’s start a war yes Putin’s a good example and they can print more money and we print money we produce because we need to print more money because we need to produce more arms and various other things and uh we’ll go to war and uh we’ll fight the we’ll fight the good fight well if I if I give a a plug here I fought in Vietnam twice as a marine you know and the AES were tremendous respected Fighters they were jungle Fighters and they said what about Americans Americans clear the jungle then they fight they did too they they cleared it with a certain agent with they a lot of people that way too you know he just dropped agent orange on them I remember those days in fact you know it’s interesting I and you won’t know this individual but maybe you do but there was a prime minister who um became there was a gentleman who wanted to become Prime Minister of Australia and became a very famous prime minister his name was go whitlam and I voted for go whitlam it’s the only time voted labor in my life uh which is effectively your Democrats um because I was uh about to uh join go to university I was um 18 years of age I was at University I was 18 18 years of age and conscription was in Australia because the war was on Vietnam War was on and the last thing I want to do is go to Vietnam some of my older mates were there and uh and they were telling when they came back they were tell me what it was like was sound Dreadful to me so I’ve actually voted against in favor of the labor party G Whitland won the election I’m in favor Lady Lady party just for one reason so I didn’t have to get conscripted I’d rather go to university and in those days smoke marijuana on the library lawn that’s what everybody was doing um it’s very interesting about you talk about institutionalized or communism or Marxism perhaps is a better way of putting and in every version of Marxism today sort of watered down so you can’t recognize it it’s but it is preeminent in institutional education institutions yeah preeminent whether it’s University or schools yeah and but they don’t label it as Marxist they sort of liberal yeah they have a different view on well let’s let’s look after everybody sort of thing you we’re going to look after you how is that and I don’t know about America that’s in Australia I’m talking about but how is that um in America and why does everybody cop it why do you put up with it well got military school went School in New York I had uh nominations to Naval Academy Merchant Marine Academy Army Air Force in Coast Guard and uh we were taught OCTA nonverbal G’s not words so the lesson we were taught as Military Officers watch what a person does not what they say so if you watch politicians I don’t care what party watch what they do not what they say so the first thing I’m not Republican or Democrat the first thing Biden did was he cut the Keystone Pipeline from Canada to America and I’m an oil guy I went I went to school I worked for Standard Oil I went to school to drive oil tankers for standard oil and uh the price I was selling oil under Trump for $30 a barrel the moment Biden came to office and cut that pipeline oil went to 130 us I knew exactly what he’s going to do he wants to create a gap between rich and poor and that’s Revolution as you know it takes that Gap to cause Revolution Division division yeah well anger so America is a very divided angry country right now and they can’t figure out what’s happening you know why did Biden cut the pipeline he didn’t have to the second thing he is opened our borders and 10 million people streamed across now fentol is going all across America and and Trump is a good friend of him I wrote two books with him he gets accused of screwing uh older women should we say you know what I mean he’s a man’s man and we all know what he’s up to but Biden’s cust sniffing little girl’s hair I’m going yeah yeah watch what a person does not what they say and then I’ve seen that bit of I’ve seen that Vision by the way I’ve been sniffing the young girls was a bit bit weird and that his Trump’s two sons Don junr and Eric are good friends of mine they’re classy young men I hunt with them you know so we’re Upstate in New York with the two Trump boys we go into this restaurant and they go in back to talk to the Mexican the illegals they all shake hands and say hello and all that they’re great young men and this guy hunter Biden oh my God like father like son on drugs porno and all this stuff his his laptop goes missing you funny by that yeah we can’t find it you know so there’s so much goofy stuff going on in America we’re so divided right now it’s not safe it’s not good do you think that uh I mean Biden’s been Biden’s been not accused um been characterized as someone who’s not competent um mentally competent probably even physically so but definitely not mentally competent to run a country um do you think that Americans in the in the election in 2024 this year are going to reelect him not withstanding that or do you think that uh people are going to move away from Biden and perhaps look for somebody else and that um maybe not Trump but somebody else like they vote another Direction perhaps Kennedy Bobby Kennedy yeah but where do you think Americans going because and is this K Kennedy seeing that there is a gap in this division between the two the two camps and is running up the middle and and how big a not a threat but how big yeah how big a threat is he to both Biden and to Trump well Bobby kenned is a good man he own nobody owns him and he wrote about this C thing and all this and he wrote against fouchy you know the those guys are criminals big farmer runs the world sort of the banks as you know so Bobby Kennedy is like his family they’re not you can’t buy them so I I like Bobby Kennedy it’s not Republican or Democrat I just somebody who keep their you know actions speak louder than words and so Bobby Kennedy took on big Pharma which is good and how do you think he would go there because big pharma’s extraordinarily strong in terms of uh Lobby um and can uh create all sorts of Havoc for an individual um are they they to run him down like U start campaigns against him have they started something against Kennedy like start to car my concern you know as Stalin said years ago he says it’s not who votes that counts it’s who counts the votes and so that’s why Trump was collection was stolen I think it was but America’s a bad habit of taking out the kennedies with guns so I’m afraid quite a few of them have gone down with the being K John and Bobby so America because of I mean you you’re they’re messing with power and the banking Powers you know the cartels the Federal Reserve Bank is not an American Bank it’s a cartel of the richest banks in the world and you know that running a mortgage company you don’t play their game they stomp on you so that’s my concern you know money is power like it or not yeah so what do we do as you know as a voter as a as a small what we you know we would all consider consider ourselves as just one vote out of many millions in in the case of un us hundreds of millions what do we do about that I mean how do we get fairness and Justice or do we just coping on the chin well my everybody has their own idea how to do this my idea way back when was educate yourself so I created the Casual board game because I learned I learned investing playing Monopoly and Maria monor you know she’s one of the great educational entrepreneurs she said what the hand does the Mind remembers so in school I sat there words went in one ear out the other you know just sat nothing but my and that was my poor dad lecture lecture lecture lecture talk whereas my rich dad taught me about investing playing Monopoly four green houses red hotel for green so today I own 10,000 rental units and three hotels you know I also in invest in Bitcoin I use debt and I use all that everything school doesn’t teach you so when I saw your CV you know with mortgages and all that That’s essential but you’re messing with fire you know what I mean it’s a golden rule who has the goal makes the rule yeah I know that we I mean I quite like taking on the establishment I always have um and uh my I have fun with uh basically like sort of being Robin Hood a little bit um sneaking out in the middle of the night and taking Market chair from anybody who’s um unaware or not paying attention the problem is the big organizations pay much more attention today and uh as opposed to say 10 15 years ago they’re much more aware of people like me and John Simons from aussy homelands and those guys who um to some extent I wonder who the new young people are because this takes a lot of energy what I was doing takes a lot of energy I was in my 40s I mean I still got some energy around it but it’s uh it’s much harder and uh you’ve got to be much more stealthy and much more more intelligent about it um and require much more resources than ever in the past cuz they got massive resources the these like the depth of their resources both MoneyWise but intellectually but also data I mean their data resources are outrageous what they know about you if you’re a customer of somebody a big bank or a big farmer or a big Telco they know everything about your life y they know what you do where you go how much you spend how often what on how many Ubers you arrange how many times you go to the casino online casino Gamble how much money you draw out of the bank because you can’t there’s no cash there’s no cash in Australia 85% of transaction Australia online your armored car service is going out of business because they they don’t have to collect cash anymore yeah and clubs like I’m on the board of a lease CL we don’t we hardly have any cash so we don’t and because the arm car service is quite expensive for us so you know we just deal with our own cash so and there’s not much anyway so and as it’s cash dis appears um your behaviors our behaviors become much more available for others to collect data on where do you see us going with all this stuff Robert like I’m I’m I feel like it’s closing in on all of us and we can’t stop it I mean this is Marxism is not only about making sure that no one owns anything but in fact we don’t even own our own dignity at some stage we will take we will lose all our privacy correct that’s part of the part of the process is there one person sitting right I not one person but is there a group group of people sitting they planning all this sort of stuff because I I can’t imagine I can’t understand why no one’s ever talked about them who are they I mean is it I mean who’s people who are getting rid of the cash out of the system is there one person or is it a group of people is there some sort of cult how does this operate well I think um it was inevitable was going to happen that money would go crypto so that’s why U reason I I have U I think I have 70 Bitcoin I don’t know how many I got any but crypto good I’m talking about when Banks won’t let you deal in cash now that’s what I’m saying is we should go crypto I’m getting off the banking system so I own a lot of gold and silver things like that so I don’t want anything they can print so I own stocks but my compan I took them public and my goal was to take companies public on New York NASDAQ and Toronto Stock Exchange so I got I got New York I got uh Toronto Stock Exchange the summer go public on NASDAQ says I control the paper but I’m an entrepreneur you know that’s trained to do this stuff take control of your life so I created the cash flow board game so people can teach people what schools will not teach you and if you can control your money control your life but years ago I read a book by R Buckman Fuller it was in 74 the book was called grunch of giants grunch stands for gross Universal cash iist simply said he was saying your your wealth is stolen via your money so the harder you work for money more tax you pay inflation you put it in the bank inflation steals it and fees yeah fees all that I’m not against it I’m saying wake up yeah so what would you advise so let’s say someone’s under 30 it doesn’t I mean I guess it doesn’t matter what age you are but someone’s under 30 and they’re getting nervous you know they’re all saying should I buy should I buy Bitcoin today I mean bitcoin’s at record highs at the moment again um should I buy should I buy these cryptocurrencies should I start to step into these environments what what when do people when should they invest in these environments at the height of the market or is the market going to continue to grow or is it uh or should they seek another one like perhaps they should look at ethereum or some other currency that’s cheaper how do they should young people approach these markets well it’s very simple you’ve got to choose your education you know if you listen to a financial planner like a super person they can put you in stocks and bonds and bonds are crashing you know it used to be and I don’t know it is AI here but Bonds were considered safe today they’re the most dangerous assets you can put your money into and the S&P 500 is at all-time highs and my generation of bourman generation is getting ready to retire so we you know this little cartoon character peanuts with yeah Lucy and peanuts and so Lucy would hold the football like this and Charlie B run up and she pull the ball away I think they’re going to do that to the Boomers I wrote a book called who stole my pension and uh written written by a forensic uh economists this they’re going to steal our pensions they’re already stealing it so the American baby boom generation is a 50/50 chance won’t retire their houses you know all the guys is are house now most of them but homelessness is on the increase you know it’s not not bad here yet but look at San Francisco the most beautiful cities on Earth very very much like Sydney people are homeless all over the place they can’t afford a house is it as bad is it we we see it on TV but is is it that bad I want to see it myself yeah it’s terrible it’s it’s spreading all across America except Texas Texas everyone’s moving to Texas Texas Florida Texas Florida so it just just um on the stock market and I’d like to get your take on this I read some articles recently um that were talking about um the valuations of American stocks particularly some of those ones that are sort of trading in that AI territory and the multiples that are sort of sitting against these stock trades and they’re sort of saying this article it was some actually was in The Economist but it’s sort of indicating that it’s just not possible to grow from here at the same rate or in anywhere near the rate that it has grown in the past and that the people are buying paying prices today based on future outcomes and it only all it you know if I want to be an Nayer or um perhaps a stock pessimist or just call me an asay then I would be shorting the market in other words I’d be selling stocks because it just can’t continue to grow the rate has been growing um but on the flip side of it it just keeps growing I don’t understand it I I don’t play in the American Market in particular um why what’s going on is it people just got this fever I better buy and uh they have no idea what they’re buying and they’re just getting convinced well there’s no Financial education in America you know you look at our leaders you know most of the people run our Federal Reserve Bank and our government they’re phds like my poor Dad Poor PhD asss for poor helpless and desperate look at this guy bernacki you know I mean he was the chairman when crashed he dropped interest rates to zero and printed trillions so today America’s in this huge bubble this cash sitting everywhere and the stock market’s in a bubble real estate’s in a bubble and all this how much longer can go today America is the number one deor nation in the world every 90 days they’re printing another trillion dollars to cover the shortfall and they’re issuing it is debt yeah they’re printing more money because our taxes don’t cover our expenses they’re printing a trillion dollars every 90 days wow and there’s still no Financial education and then you look at China evergr went down and Market Garden went down China’s going bankrupt and so is Germany so you know as just say when America sneezes Azie gets pneumonia and so we be a lucky country but the world is caving in around you guys so that’s the spooky part so that’s why I I say to everybody buy some silver you know silver is about 20 bucks used to be 50 us and then I like Bitcoin because Bitcoin gets stronger dollar gets weaker this is a correlation yeah it’s so I own like I think 60 Bitcoin or something that much but you know I was buying it at 6,000 wow and you you’re sitting on a nice profit now yeah well it’s better that than losing it you know no and but given that you’re sitting on a profit I mean would you consider cashing it in and your profit taking your profit off the table now well you’re a banker I borrow against assets can you and can you borrow against your Bitcoin of course I can yeah that’s not something that is is taken has taken on here in Australia at this stage but it is to come that you should be able to borrow against your Bitcoin because is an asset yeah I mean there might be an issue around what the The Leverage is but it doesn’t matter because of the volatility of the pricing but you should be able to borrow against your Bitcoin bit Bitcoin here is hasn’t really taken off as a as a with Merchants how how uh prevalent is um merchants in you in making Bitcoin available or any of the cryptos available in terms of transactions well Bitcoin is you know people’s money I say gold and silver are God’s money because God put it here but Bitcoin is people’s money it’s a blockchain technology and blockchain technolog is basically a ledger you know a financial statement and uh that’s why the I think Aussie will probably come up with his own Central Bank digital yeah and I’m afraid there I I don’t have any proof for this but they’ll use central bank money to surveil you that’s what China does so they know what you’re spending your money on if if you’re buying too many drugs will come after you doing this so they’re going to use our money as a uh surveillance tool I’m afraid of that so that’s why I own tons of silver coins so if pushed comes to a shelf I’ll come pay you in silver but actual physical silver coins yeah like the old days when people used to buy kruggerands correct correct they’ll go cre KS I’ll tell you a story I was F I was a pilot in Vietnam and it was in 72 and next took the dollar off the gold standard so my Rich Dad said watch out the world’s going to change so so how’s it going to change so so I flew Behind Enemy Alliance Marine Marines are not the brightest guys on Earth I flew Behind Enemy Alliance to a gold you know I was reading the map of Vietnam there a pick and shovel Au gold like Aussie gold you know I said well let’s go behind let’s go buy some gold he said yeah but it’s Enemy Lines say we’ll be in and out very quick so coold pilot and I we’re not smart guys we walk up to the gold window we’re in a village you know people are stare what the hell are these guys doing here don’t they know we we we disarmed no weapons walked in so we come as capitalist not Marines you know I’m talking this little Vietnamese woman with red teeth and I think gold was let’s say $50 I tried to give her 30 for it she looked at me went spot what I said 30 spot I know what spot meant I said I got a spot in my shirt or something and she was talking about gold is the same price throughout the world that little Vietnamese woman I I don’t think she went to Harvard and then she was none of these available yeah and she was telling me she was teaching were the best lessons of all so we came home empty-handed and I flew down to Hong Kong and I bought my first gold Rand go was a Krueger R 50 bucks I paid for it I still have that Krueger ran today oh wow and it’s now worth 2200 so the kugan didn’t change in size but the dollar came down you know it’s funny this is not an old discuss this is not a new discussion is this an old discussion because if we go back to the 1890s when us suffered a big well just prior to that in in early part of the 1890s the world suffered a depression but the US suffered the biggest depression that they had they it wasn’t the it was the biggest depression in the United States greater than the 1930s and a BL called Frank bone wrote a book and it was called The Wizard of Oz and that’s a very good description yes and uh the oz of course was about an ounce of gold and the big argument because there was an election on the big argument at the time was should we have the silver the the silver standard or the gold standard and of course Dorothy had um silver shoes originally they only got made for out a technical when they made the movie but original shoes were silver and it was her silver shoes jump bouncing on the gold Road the brick YB Road the gold standard and of course the Emerald City was the paperback and the big argument around then was what should it be and should we have this paper money is it useless this is what government prints and makes and is just promisory notes made by government we promised to pay you honor um and the big argument was stuff all that we should go back to silver coins and gold coins because people who worked on the railways got paid uh paid silver dollars they and uh and unfortunately the silver price went down that was a big issue but that argument this discussion that we’re now having is not a new discussion it’s an old discussion and we and everybody gets nervous today oh this is a conspiracy theory no this is real this has happened before and and it’s not a new thing and we’re all been getting stitched up by governments and narratives coming from various media Outlets Etc about which way they want us to go and where and and as I said earlier this is the in the end governments always win Unfortunately they always win so all we can do as individuals is set ourselves up so we don’t get ripped off and I think part of your thesis there therefore is educate yourself yes and because school’s not going to teach you this yeah no one’s going to no one’s going to tell you this so is part of your visit to Australia by the way someone told me sadly this is your last visit to Australia I’m an old man so this nah yeah I’m sure you’ll come back but in this visit are you um is your um let’s call it Road Show are you espousing this this very thesis again I created the cash flow board game because I learned everything playing Monopoly yep and Maria mon sorry a great educational entrepreneur says what the hand does the Mind remembers so by playing the cash flow board game you actually fill out a financial statement and your financial statement is what your Banker wants to see your Banker doesn’t care what your report card says so I can borrow a lot of money because I have strong financials as you know if I have bad financials you give me a credit card yeah and know Char more yeah it’s a person got to take care of their this this is your greatest asset greatest liability and so I’m out here to encourage because Aussie has been most Rec I’ve been coming here since 72 wow I came out here to play rugby union you know lost every game but I loved it here and um it’s a great country it was a lucky country and so today I was us I was speaking at ranwick and I was saying get a board game teach yourself play it 10 times and teach 10 people Aussie can change the world it’s a small powerful Lucky Country or you can wait for school to teach you something the cash flow board game is called the cash flow board game that’s what it’s called cuz you know that’s the most important two most important words in business flow is to totally is um asss which way is it flowing in or out right you want it flowing in more coming in than going out that’s for sure and it’s and it’s about net cash flow but the so the cash flow board game is it’s a game that you invented yeah yeah that’s your game yeah okay that’s cool can I just can I just just tap into your um intellect around the 2024 election um I know you’re a friend of Trumps you’ve done things together you’ve collaborated Etc on books Etc um I’ve met him on a couple of occasions um and we talked about the division in the United States is the division such that if either one of either Biden or Trump gets wins the election presidential position is it going to be such that no other one will have a proper mandate and can do nothing in other words you know like they become hamstrung either the Senate won’t pass anything that the lower house the Congress passes or the Congress won’t agree with anything that the Senate proposes is that a potential to just maintain the division no matter who wins well I think the problem with Trump he’s got guts you know he definitely does and he stepped on a lot of tolls Bankers they don’t like him so as I said you know Bobby Kennedy John Kennedy they got taken out so even if he’s elected his life is more in danger than like I said has two sons that are really good friends and uh they got balls you know they speak out they work for the people as I said you know I know the Trump boys I watch what they do so just watch what a person does not what they say so I know them personally and I wouldn’t say this it wasn’t true I’ve spent weeks and that I mean a week of hunting on a private island no water no toilets nothing those boys has no quarter you know they you know they go in the woods and they fish and we we have to catch our own food they’re tough young men very good young men do you think there’s room for one of one of those two boys to uh take up the role in relation to that side of politics I won’t call it Republicans but that side of politics because you know as you say Donald is uh he’s got so many things against him at the moment I mean even if he does win it’s still going to be a tough gig a really tough gig yeah and they’re not going to stop coming after him correct it’s already started it’s one of those things you sort of can’t stop unless he pardons himself on everything do you think those one of those two boys might take up the Baton well politic is a dirty game I wouldn’t rep wish it on anybody yeah you know you I give I just give them credit for being the spotlight the Limelight you know I talk to them occasionally I run into the boys and I just give them credit they’re at guts you know it’s hard to stand up to the banking system as you know how does but but Robert how does I often look at Donald Trump and I think to myself I don’t know how many charges and how many cases he’s got against him but there’s a lot and uh and then they’ve got this one where they’re trying to take half a billion dollars off him in cash uh like as a assurity against his appeal yeah um how does he keep going do I don’t know him well enough to answer that question so I thought maybe I get some insights because I I don’t know I don’t I I just don’t know where he gets the the guts to keep doing what he does is why is he so driven what is it is it does he actually is he is it because he’s so driven to save America is that what it is I’ve read two books with the guy I spent about um total about eight weeks working with him and his his company the Trump organization really good people but when they weaponize the FBI and the court system against man that’s fascism you know they take our court system and go after him that’s fascism so America’s in serious serious trouble serious trouble and that’s my concern is he game to try and change that though is he well that’s why that’s why he got taken out you know he’s I’m going to drain the swamp he’s talking about the central banks the swamp they’re all in cahoots but I I feel as though I I just the sense I get is that Trump’s on his own I I got a feeling Biden’s not doing much at all but there’s a massive machine sitting behind him well organized politically Etc and I I just have this feeling that Trump’s sort of there by himself and he’s sort of carrying the whole burd on his own shoulders I just don’t feel as though he has I don’t know if it’s true or not but it doesn’t seem like he’s got the same machine sitting behind him other than those people who want to vote for him but I mean the machine between him and those people it doesn’t feel as though that’s the same as the Democrats have and that machine looks like it’s going to run him down the Democrats machine looks the liberal machine yeah looks like he’s going to run him out of town right that’s the gut feeling I have sitting here in Australia and uh I would say you’re accurate so what what is there what hope is there for the US well I always say you know like um put yourself on your own gold standard or silver standard educate yourself we’re going in for a rough r let me say it again China is in serious financial trouble America is the biggest deor nation in World printing one trillion every 90 days Germany’s in bankruptcy so Aussie is going to The Lucky Country so you’re sheltered a bit but as you know China is your largest trading partner and so so it’s important imperative that every ay educate themselves to protect themselves but if you hoping the government’s going to save you and you’re in trouble it’s funny I had in 2016 I sat opposite Trump and I interviewed him and uh this is before any presidential aspirations I think it was 16 might have been 15 whatever yeah and he said to me one of the things he’s concerned about is Australia’s trading relationship with China yeah and he said to me and I at the time naively said well yeah but they’re our biggest trading partner we shouldn’t upset him sort of thing he said let me tell you something he said yeah they’ll take your all your iron or and everything else that you’re selling coal Etc that you selling to them he said but ultimately you’ll end up o owing them something owing them something he said like we in in the United States you’ve got to do something about that that’s what you got to do something about and it’s interesting your words to me just then because the biggest owner of the debt in the United States it gets issued all the on all these months as you’re talking about bonds bonds is China y they they Japan and Japan they hold the greatest amount of debt which America grow yeah it’s funny when you say that to me I I just have a memory of what Trump told me and it’s I thought to myself at the time what he said was quite out there today I would say is quite courageous but sort of accurate and what you’re saying is effectively endorsing what he said back in 2016 now we it’s all come to Roose now y it’s four uh four and four eight years later it’s all come to roost y we now have this problem y and America’s China’s falling apart to economically as well y so it sounds like we could be in globally in for some other crisis correct what it’s called I don’t know it won’t be a GFC it won’t be a financial maybe a financial crisis who knows cu the value of their paper the Chinese paper that it holds in relation to American debt correct is not worth anywhere near what it was issued at correct and China needs as much as they can possibly get yeah because other they got a bit of a few problems internally themselves are you sort of predicting not predicting but sort of suggesting there could be a crisis on its way there is one we’re in it right now we’re in it now well X you know that what his he says his mandate is going to take Taiwan back so create a war solve the problem yeah he says before you know that’s that’s like Trump said I’m going to take Taiwan back that’s War you know and so what’s going on in Ukraine and all this it’s terrible I mean I hate War I just hate it I fought twice in Vietnam killed a lot of people but it’s about money as you know you know like I said it’s a very dangerous time in world so it’s important that everybody take responsibility for yourselves financially not expect the government to take care of you so I go around saying put yourself on your own gold standard put yourself on your own silver standard you know save gold silver or Bitcoin and protect yourself now with it your brain you know but don’t expect the government to take care of you a is The Lucky Country but you sit behind the superpowers going to war and uh spooky do do you think do you think war is inevitable well historically yes see what brought Hitler to power was the Yar Republic when World War I and they made they made Germany pay reparations so Germany went bankrupt Hitler came to power so every time there’s chaos a dictator comes to power so that was fascist that was miscellania and Hitler so it’s these are not normal times but I don’t know I mean I I was just prepare yeah I mean I what you were saying economically prepare we not you’re not you’re not sort of suggesting be doomsdayer and go and build a hunker down and build a a vault underneath your house and fill it up with cans and baked beans and water Etc just much historically I mean you you’re in the banking business 2019 um the repo Market collapsed that’s that’s where the banks go to borrow money it collapsed and then suddenly Co appeared I went oh is this an accident it’s interesting thought about that interesting cuz you you watch this up is there a coincidence so just I might explain to our audience with the repay mark means in terms of a trailer at least it means if if I’m a bank and I’ve got mortgage assets I normally can go and if I got uh yeah if I’m I’m lending if I got a pool of mortgages which are my assets and I’ve got liabilities where I’ve borrowed money as from depositors on the other side if I’m a bank repo means that um I can go to the government the government will buy my mortgages off me for the face value of the mortgage so if I lend Robert $100,000 and there’s 10,000 Roberts in my pool um and I need some cash to lend more money to more robits but I’m running out of cash cuz I’m a bank and I haven’t because I’m not receiving the deposits then I can go to the government and the government runs repo um program where they will take my mortgages off me in your case they put them in fenny May Freddy Mack in the US in Australia we don’t have the system but they’ll still buy them off us and they’ll give us cash for it as the bank and then we’ll going to lend some more money and the repo Market you’re saying PRI in 2019 prior to co collapsed well didn’t collapse but yes went down it wasn’t so there wasn’t as much liquidity in the system to liquidity being money available for the banking system what because what you just said to me was really interesting because when when Co hit in in our country March within four months our Central Bank here cut a check of $190 billion to our banking system they said Banks not non-banks like me but to Banks here’s 190 billion we’ll give you to a 0.1 of a to you at 0. one of a percent fix for 3 years yeah go lend it yeah and and of course that created inflation and the bubble bubble yeah the the property market bubble it just went off and then of course last year the uh government said well we want that repay because the three years is up 2023 and it does not exactly on that day but from 2023 due to based on draw down dates and uh now the banks are raising money at 6% so they’re our interest rates are high so the you know who’s suffering the consumer the average guy the guy borrowed money that money he borrowed at 2% from 1.99% it’s a record low fixed rate for fixed for three years all of a sudden he’s gone from fixed 1.999 now he’s paying 7% our consumers are paying for this the banks are making the same amount of profit as they’ve always made they’re just charging the borrower more Y and the way forward was well uh our Central Bank said well inflation’s really high it’s really bad we don’t like high inflation so uh and you consumers you caused it you caused High inflation so uh we’re going to put interest rates up yep and uh the bank said we we’re not responsible The Reserve Bank central banks put the rate we just put the interest rate up as they go along and now the consumers bearing the the risk of this you know it’s really interesting I remember Milton fredman um not many people you would remember him but not many people remember him I remember watching him in the ’90s and it’s up on YouTube these days for even and he says consumers never create inflation governments do correct they print money they print money and they make it available for for the liquidity yeah and the only people make money out of that is the rich people at the end of the day and uh and then get in trouble to ba they bail out the rich yeah and the Aussie bloke gets penalized the rich the rich people buy and bail themselves out by influencing the government to make to do the bot so that is a premise of your book though yes I think what you’re sort of saying is be like the rich guys yeah think like my rich dad not my poor dad think like the rich guy the Rich Dad yeah like learn from the rich Gad dad and I think what you’re sort of saying here this it’s quite compelling but you’re saying is no point fighting against the machine I mean you can you know you can storm the White House or whatever you want to do but that’s not going to do anything at the end of the day um the system will close you down yeah just like it might close Donald Trump down or make it really difficult for him I mean God bless the guy like he’s so tough I mean I wouldn’t be able to handle that I would have I would have gone I’m out I would have hung my gloves up um but you can Fight Against the Machine if you want to and you can argue against it you can put up posts on your Instagram and talk about the conspiracy and you know you know but at the end of the day forget about just think like the other mob join you sort of join them be quite thoughtful educate yourself educate yourself right and and probably would you say act upon it as well yes where do you get the C where do people get the courage to once they educate themselves to actually go and do the things that you’re talking about well it’s easier to do something for other people like create the cash flow board game yep learn it play it 10 times and then teach other people give and you shall receive when you do it for other people stuff comes in but if you’re just taking for yourself who cares you know you’re greedy and that’s a big big difference there Al is the lucky country don’t [ __ ] it up you know what I mean totally just well that’s what Trump said to me yeah don’t [ __ ] it up yeah I thought he’s been a bit extreme in 2016 but it’s actually come to be true now and then if you think about you know Co you know fouchy the whole Co thing in Australia I don’t know if we were our Australian legislators and government were covertly involved in what was going on just I think we probably follow what was going on in the United States it’s big Pharma big pharmaceutical companies they influen the program of course it’s Bankers pharmaceutical you know those guys are you guys having an inquiry in America as we are here in Australia about the vaccines like the effects of the vaccines yeah you are and because some of the findings are here like horrendous yeah but it’s not getting any air time I don’t understand it there’s no airtime no one’s talking about it I mean we might see it on Sky News on Ruben Murdoch’s channel here but we don’t see anywhere else no why do you think that is Pharma big business I remember I I had to to travel I had to get a vaccine I refused to so I just found a doctor I paid him $500 he put the vaccine in the m in his thing said thank you bye and you got the certificate got the certificate I’m not that stupid you know what I mean I’ll cheat but I don’t it’s my body they’re putting stuff into just so schools put ideas in your head one more thing is when we talk about the repo Market it’s very simple it’s like the pawn shop for banks yeah exactly very very very simple so when that went down Co appeared I went oh my God is that an accident or is it intentional and I don’t know I don’t have an answer to that but’s too many coincidences and so that’s why I wrote Rich dead Port out of 97 the cash flow board game count up in ‘ 96 and and if we don’t educate ourselves then shame on us but schools will not do it because schools are complicit with the banks why do you think that is why do you think they’re Marxist I mean you know that’s where they start from I read the I read the Communist man off festo in ‘ 65 I went to military school and went oh my God you know they made two predictions 1930 they were going to take over the school systems which they did and then they would take our elections they did and there’s and that would be Trump’s position today they’ve your last election he lost and I respect a freedom of choice you can be a Marxist you can be a capitalist but without Financial education as you know in the banking industry if you don’t have any Financial education you can’t be a capitalist and you can’t make a proper decision either correct because you don’t know what you cuz I mean the the the the Marxist position is very romantic oh yes it’s abolition private property labor unions um taxation fairness you know fairness equality progressive tax system you know will tax the rich to look after the poor it’s like Robin Hood it’s sort of it’s sort of very it’s sort of like a romantic thing it’s a theme um but the reality is we’re not all equal and we don’t all earn the same amount of money we don’t none of us are prepared to work as hard as the next person or as or even as not as hard everybody’s got to be equal yeah and but nobody is equal and what’s even worse in America I don’t know how it is here they’re encouraging boys to become girls I’m going what’s wrong with you guys yeah we’re getting the same issue here um and and girls to become boys yeah and it’s it’s it’s sort of okay if that’s how they’re born or whatever but like it’s not you don’t no one needs to encourage it yeah no one needs to say Bring It On yeah because young kids are not in a position to make decisions I don’t feel well when I was a kid right sex education was Playboy you know what I mean today they got hardcore Porter on their iPhone you know they they more about sex than you and have will yeah yeah totally and then to find it quicker than I I will or you will and it’s it’s funny like for when I was a kid there was a magazine in Australia called ryal and um it wasn’t it was a paper sort of a paper magazine it wasn’t um glossy like Playboy and uh there was a news agent I won’t name the area but where I went to school out in the western suburbs of Sydney which is sort of a a little bit rough out there and uh there was one guy in our school who used to go and steal this rybolt every week and uh and then we’d all be waiting for him to the library that was sex education he he would get ped around the library so we had these Library sort of schs a little everyone and he’ be sitting there wa when’s When’s he finished with it when’s he going to send it over to me so uh eyeball was like the thing and that you’re right that’s where we got a sexation you wouldn’t get it from Mom and Dad there was none of these iPads and there was nothing electronic and it was he grew up a certain way and that was it now I maybe I mean I know there’s going to be exceptions to this don’t get me wrong there will be exceptions to this that some kids are Bor born a certain way and that that’s okay they make the choice but I want people I agree I would like to make sure that education institutions are making the decisions for the kids y it’s the kids making the decisions for themselves at a time when they’re equipped to make the decision right and it’s the parents’ Duty correct it’s not the school’s Duty correct amen Amen brother it’s for the mom and dad in relation to their kids they can influence a child yeah and and kids to and hopefully parents have a better good enough relationship with the kid that the kid can talk to the parents the parent can talk to the kid in a you know nice neutral way but for me for a for you know I got grandkids and for my grandkids the thought of the fact that my grandkids might go to school and some of Might influence any one of my grandsons to uh choose a different sex for themselves really pisses me off yeah like it gets the very maybe I’m too old I don’t know but it just pisses me off I mean and I don’t like it I don’t like it at all and I sometimes I I I and I guess this happening M but sometimes I I feel helpless about this stuff because they’re there every day all day with them and my only way to influence this is somehow combat that and I don’t know how hell you combat that other than send them to a different school where I know the ethics of the school is different to the ethics of the school they might be at now yeah and I’m lucky mine I’ve only got one one of my grandkids at school at the moment the others are just are too little but it’s all of a sudden in Australia at least in New South Wales private Catholic schools have popped up everywhere and I have huge demand they’re not expensive schools but huge demand for kids to be enrolled even if they’re not Catholic they could be Muslim Jewish doesn’t matter yeah because parents are seeing this as a better way corre to keep them from being influenced from the government style schools correct and that’s a bother to me that we live in this system I mean is this is this something going oner the school system is enemy now yeah I hate to say that but I’m going that was my port D they’re good people yeah yeah do you know what I mean but they got too far at the other side yeah you’re right they are they’re genuine they’re genuine about what they believe in right but the system is is institutionalizing the kids to go into it and I the part I don’t like and we sort of don’t have a choice if you’re a kid whose parents got no money you can’t afford to send this kid to a private school correct you’re going to put him into the system corre or her into the system got it and then then your sort of your kid will turn out as a uh factor of the product of the system correct and that’s sort of unfair for the kid correct but that’s why in 96 I created the board game so parents could teach their kids at home so the cash flow board game is for kids as well there kids and adults yeah and is it is it all the teachers is a financial statement income expense asset liability statement cash flow that’s your report card when you grow up that’s your grade point average it’s funny you know what when I when I went in business with kri Packer and it’s sort of he’s quite a wellknown Australian guy many many years ago um when I had the wizard business I used to car say I want you bring you the financial accounts of the business we 50/50 in this business he said bring the accounts every month and I want to go through them so the first time went there and we had you know account eaar and all he said Son yeah I’m not interested in all that [ __ ] yeah yeah he said I want you to tell me don’t even sh me I want you to tell me how much money came in this month yeah how much money went out how much we got in the bank yeah do we owe money to anyone and are we and is anyone um owed money to us like and how long have they owed us the money right so like a a Dead’s Ledger aged 6090 30690 Creator Ledger who do we owe money to CU he didn’t want me to like DT him and then how much money came in and out he said pretty simple yeah I don’t care about all that other stuff don’t give me all that fancy crap B DARS and bbls and blah just tell me if D came in the joint and that was a big lesson for me and uh I actually so I went off many later and I I wrote a little playbook for um how you run your financial the financials in your business the month your monthly management meeting money and money out what’s owed and what we owe in a story oh by the way just check the bank wreck to make sure the amount of money in the bank is what we should have in other words no one’s nicking it no one stealing money from us pretty simple stuff isn’t it yep and the cash flow game cash flow board game is teaching kids really simple stuff yeah because credit cards and as my rich dad taught me your Banker never ask you for your report card yeah your bank was to your financials other thing about financial literacy is do you speak the language of money so when I hear guys throwing on I and this I go now it say how much money is coming in how much money is going out what’s an asset assets put money in your pocket liabilities take money from your pocket if you change your vocabulary you change your life that’s how powerful words are but they don’t teach you the language of money so that’s why I created the cash flow board game Rich dead poor DS assets liabilities taxes they don’t teach you taxes at school and Trump they don’t pay taxes legally the same as this country if you know what you’re doing you don’t have to pay taxes see the more debt I use debt became money in 71 when n took the dollar off the gold standard the more debt I use more tax breaks I get yeah why because if you and I don’t borrow money as you know the economy crashes so we have to have people borrowing money for the economy to keep growing so that’s why they keep raising interest rates people can’t borrow money Meanwhile your population’s increasing people can’t afford to live here now I mean it’s making the news in America really how expensive Aussie real estate is wow that’s a bother see we’re a small population relatively speaking Yeah like house prices have absolutely skyrocketed in austral if you’re trying to rent a property in Australia like you’re on the rental um game you can line up for 3 hours yeah and not even get to inspect a place yeah and we just got such a massive shortage of real estate and you know I think to myself it’s funny I thought to myself isn’t interesting um governments aren’t dumb they allow hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people to come into the country to F so-called shortage of skilled labor but at the same time they don’t create more real estate from to live in it’s why is that the case I mean why would they do that why wouldn’t they have said well where’s everybody going to live it’s a pretty obvious question like where are these millions of people who are coming in over the next couple years where are they going to live to build a house in Australia to build houses in austral takes ages yeah you have to get approvals and you got to build the Builder got to get finan it just there just a process here in Australia it’s very difficult um and I understand because I own I own rental property here I used to Bondi Junction and Rush Cutters Bay and all that good territory uh I don’t know just I buy them you know and somebody manages them I wish I’d never sold them it’s a mistake because we have such a shortage yeah it was great property that’s crazy that it’s being talked about in the US yeah like you mean in the the it makes the news it makes the news yeah well that’s a real warry for us yeah and and is this is do you think that is there any solution that you’ve seen anywhere around the world that can solve these shortages apart from just building stuff well I I think it’s up to every individual to take control of their own finances their own financial statement and don’t expect the government to take care of you yeah and I think uh that’s very liberal which is kind but you know I was taught you teach a man of fish you feed them for Life give a man of fish you feed them for a day and socialism wants to give people fish and makes the problem bigger and worse instead of teaching them how to fish y that’s very interesting so that’s what the cash flow board game was all that how do you manage a financial statement your your financial statement is your report card when you leave school so basically I think the lesson I’m getting out of this whole discussion with the legend Robert kosaki is this if you’re a parent or a grandparent in my case get this cash flow board game start yeah getting it into their heads early yeah and might be competing with other sort of um indoctrinations correct but it doesn’t matter at least they’re in a position down the track to make a call on what suits them best yeah I also remember what Maria monor said the monor school some great system we got we got a few M yeah what the hand does the Mind remembers so you can’t learn to play golf reading a book do you know yeah so the more you play the game you played the game 10 times and you teach 10 people your brain will change that’s very interesting CU I’m like that when I come down to when it comes to memory unless I write things down can’t remember I don’t remember anything I have to write stuff down and by by the way these things don’t work in that environment because you read they got no got nowhere to write anything I mean unless you got a piece of paper on the side and writing notes but the hand does m remembers yeah it’s interesting like my father used to always say uh um kids don’t do what they’re told they do what they see yeah you know watch your dad right what what’s Dad doing nobody he’s telling you to do what’s he actually doing physically what’s that up to and I and I think that that’s always been a very powerful thing to me and some of the greatest lessons I got out of life in relation to what my father and my mother did for me is what I saw them do and only it took me 30 40 years to work that out because what I saw them do it’s not what I heard them tell me to do in fact they didn’t tell me much to do I and people often say to me well who tort you I just watch my parents work hard you know invest well pay taxes yeah I don’t like that part but yeah pay taxes work hard invest well my my parents were big into investment and entrepreneurialism and take risks that’s they’re your teachers take good risks yeah know what your risk is understand the marketplace but take risks yeah well Robert Kaki I hope I actually really do hope that you do come back to Australia well thank you and I hope that uh we can share a coffee or something like that or a conversation another time down the track thanks very much for your forthrightness oh thank you and thanks for thanks for doing these sorts of things like Rich Dad Poor Dad and giving a gift to our in in Australia right about a way to think yeah thanks very much teach like think like a rich person like a capitalist yeah give yourself a half a chance correct and teach your kids yeah and and by way pay it 40 kids yeah that’s a big deal yeah Australia can Australia can change the world because there only a few people here it’s a rich country it’s a lucky country but unfortunately our academic system is Marxist a lot of your leaders are Marxist as you know currently it’s a it’s a very trying time throughout the world economy China’s in trouble Germany’s in trouble America’s in trouble and and when not in trouble at this stage but if we’re not careful we could be yeah and look after own backyard correct look after your own corners and this is your greatest asset or liability right here totally this the way you think Robert thank [Music] you

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Comments (27)

  • @LivingLifeLOA June 12, 2024 Reply

    This would be a good video if it wasn't so polluted with politics I'm quickly losing any respect I had for is brand

  • @GreenworthHomes June 12, 2024 Reply

    Why has this video not reached 1m views yet… guys spread this enlightenment

  • @kennygsmooth83 June 12, 2024 Reply

    Too opinionated and political…stick to financial topics, thanks.

  • @murphy8449 June 12, 2024 Reply

    No one owns RFK Jr….except the Israeli lobby. The is not a single person running for US president who does not unquestingly support the genocide in Gaza…or anything else ZIONISTS might decide to do. So who might be the They we accuse of running the world.

  • @user-ir8rv3ud4g June 12, 2024 Reply

    El sistema econΓ³mico esta muerto, la deuda es impagable, la ΓΊnica forma de resetear es una fuerza mayor, por ejemplo una guerra y eso vamos a tener. Saludos desde Suiza.

  • @JohnCosta-yx5yp June 12, 2024 Reply

    Good on you Mark thank God your educating people on money the true facts

  • @user-wx3vr2wr1l June 12, 2024 Reply

    This fully matured man speaks of god. I am really fascinated about what he is trying to tel the world.

  • @gambit3228 June 12, 2024 Reply

    Great episode. Thank you, gentlemen!

  • @Patrick-fe6ly June 12, 2024 Reply

    Biden is evil

  • @shirleycuyugan1843 June 12, 2024 Reply

    If u want to buy gold for investment where do u buy it? N if u HV it where is d best place to hide or keep it?

  • @neil513 June 12, 2024 Reply

    Love Mark bouris and his conent but This robert bloke answered literally nothing from the questions asked to him. Kept going on about what he has, what he owns and talking random crap that isnt relavant.
    This guys an absolute muppet and theres plenty of better people to get advice and interview from.

  • @dorothybrn2077 June 12, 2024 Reply

    God is with America and President DJT. And God said the gold and silver is mine so it is Gods Grace that is keeping America and those that support Truth and righteousness . We have to not allow our America to be divided we are one nation under God and a house divided will fall so we all play a important part in standing together( One Nation Under God. )So do your best to invest wisely with the teacher that we are listing to right now which is really a good wake-up call to us.

  • @judiechamblee9581 June 12, 2024 Reply

    No industry , no jobs, no pay checks, can not pay for house to live back to the streets..crime and drugs to servive..

  • @judiechamblee9581 June 12, 2024 Reply

    Sex does not belong in is for training the brain not the penis

  • @judiechamblee9581 June 12, 2024 Reply

    Sex was learnt back in the day on the farm with the animals out in back of the barn….

  • @paulcoates3860 June 12, 2024 Reply

    1st time to channel. Great Interviewer , he reads roberts mind, ausy are great , as a UK viewer, he's very wise n as usual just spells it out nice n clear n simple to explain…like the way he helps with terminology,

  • @daniera7635 June 12, 2024 Reply

    Two absolute Legends! I'm taking control of my financial future. Thank you truly insightful, brilliant interview.

  • @suewills3514 June 12, 2024 Reply

    forget about use debt

  • @namubirubrendah391 June 12, 2024 Reply

    So great

  • @BrettWoodPhoto June 12, 2024 Reply

    Great chat mate !!!
    The simple moral to the story- β€œdon’t spend more than you make”

  • @ResheMosley June 12, 2024 Reply

    Money isnt real its the position

  • @frankdeville515 June 12, 2024 Reply

    "Mr Kiyosaki has been criticised for spouting controversial advice during speaking appearances, recommending investors buy stocks on margin in unfunded brokerage accounts and advising people to buy multiple real estate properties with little or no money down." NEWS CORP.

  • @frankdeville515 June 12, 2024 Reply

    If you want to be a millionaire working less than three hours a week, you narrow your options down to a mere two – Be part of a lucky gene pool and inherit it or, if that's not an option, try creating a sales system that teaches others how to be rich without working hard. You could be the next Robert Kiyosaki, with people flocking to your seminars, because common sense really isn't all that common.

  • @nicolle_2944 June 12, 2024 Reply

    The immigrants being brought in are in office jobs, government jobs and medical. They are causing far more harm than good

  • @polsterreinigungberlinkueh8555 June 12, 2024 Reply

    hitler came to power because of thyssen, the french wanted to confiscatethe thyssen factories, so he supported hitler to put an end to the power of france after world war 1, people followed because they were poor in germany at that time. now we have a situation of media manipulation and false flaggs, people are not poor like in 1929.

  • @crisp3400 June 12, 2024 Reply

    We are living a stolen election DEVOLUTION movie. To better understand, President Trump Won the election in 2020. There is a HUGE amount of very good people taking down the globalists and draining the swamp as our President promised in his inaugural speech in January, 2017. Evil is loosing control!!! It will get worse so more people WAKE UP before President Trump returns in November 2024. GOD Bless America πŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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