How to Become RICH Even IF You Start With NOTHING! | Robert Kiyosaki | Top 10 Rules
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you have to fail more he says you got to step up your failure of it all you entrepreneurs out there that cell phone is your lifeline out of this mess use it if you do not change that talk in your head you will always be the poor person need motivation watch a top 10 with believe nation top 10. 99 it’s evan carmichael and i make these videos because you are probably the most ambitious person in your circle but you know you’re capable of more and you get that push by surrounding yourself with the best so today let’s learn from one of the best robert kiyosaki and my take on his top 10 rules for success enjoy okay let’s kick it off with rule number one fail more i got a job with xerox because they had sales training and then for two years i was the worst salesman they ever had i was gonna get fired from xerox and so i went to my rich dad and i said in terms of why what’s wrong he says how many sales calls you make a day i said on a good day three he says that’s why you’re not successful same formula he says you have to fail more he says you got to step up your failure rate so i found a non-profit and at night after working at xerox i would go to the phone bank up the street from where i was working in honolulu and i had my had a goal i had to fail 35 times at night so i just failed 35 times now interesting thing happened my numbers at xerox went up you see i was handling that fear i was i was handling the wimp in me the coward and most people don’t want to go through the wimp and that’s why i don’t really i don’t have much time for rule number two borrow and buy assets do you know why they tell you to save money i don’t know because the system of banking york has nothing to do with communism or capitalism it’s the banks run the world the rich run the world they don’t care if you’re communist or capitalist so when you save so let’s say you say one dollar u.s one euro one yen the banking system can lend out ten so the entire system is called the fractional reserve system the fractional reserve system is also printing money then they tell you to save money so they they want you to save money so they can lend out your money 10 times so your dollar became worthless 10 times over and then they used to pay you 10 interest on your money now it’s at best one percent and they’re still lending it out 10 times so that’s why you don’t save money is because your money is becoming worth less and less and less and less and less the banks are getting richer and richer and richer then they tax you on that interest you they pay you that one percent interest if they pay you that much japan is zero and the japanese are so stupid they still save money we also have zero yeah and they still save money how stupid is that so that’s what i’ll question so how come that happens now if i borrow money guess what do i pay taxes on debt i guess no why is that i know this is this is what i’m saying okay question everything okay so when they lend out money that’s how money is created money is debt they lend out them why is debt tax free i don’t know because that’s how money is created and so the banks love it they love people borrow lots of money so how do i get rich i borrow money and i buy assets with it the poor person borrows money and buys liabilities like purses cars houses and they get poorer and poorer and poorer but i use debt i borrowed 300 million after the crash dollars in 2000 by 2010 i had borrowed 300 million dollars to buy real estate that made me rich and the interest rates kept coming down so my cost of money kept coming down and so everybody else is saying oh you should get out of debt you know why because they don’t question the hypnosis they’re under you’ve been hypnotized to work hard for money to save it the fractional reserve system prints it and then you pay taxes of taxes so i get i have all this debt and i get rich rule number three keep your word it’s a great time to be an entrepreneur because if you’re smart you have a good spirit and you you’ll learn quickly so the greatest the greatest thing about entrepreneurs how fast can you learn you know when you look at the seven deadly sins the biggest tragedy is ego said ego or vain glory is the road straight to hell and so you gotta i tell you i made mistakes i tell you i screwed it up i’m definitely on the short list for saint but you’d better be honest and people trust you and they better keep your word you know you’re only as good as your word yeah so actions and words must be in integrity rule number four rewire your brain that’s why in 1997 i created the cash flow of 96 grade the cash flow board game it’s the only game that teaches your accounting by having fun so the cash flow game i i play at least 10 times because each time you play learning something new well what what the game is doing because you have to move move pieces and write and all this stuff it’s moving your neural pathways you have to train you know the most important thing is change the neural pathways in your brain and and the brain is driven driven by your heart and when i meet somebody with an employee’s brain they say i want job security i want i want a good pension does that have medical benefits that’s their brain it’s them i can’t help them they got to rewire the brain yeah because the economy takes place between this year and this year that’s where the economy takes place and in your heart and in your guts i started playing monopoly i was nine years old and everybody’s played monopoly except i played in real life you know four grand houses one red hotel tax free if you really if you really learn to be rich you have to learn how to sell how to use debt and how not to pay taxes that’s the game also if you want to have more self confidence and self-belief i’ve designed a special free training to help you do it the science says it can take up to 254 days of consecutive action to build a new habit and and i want that for you i want you to build the habit of self-belief so what i’m going to do is email you every day for 254 days a link to an unlisted video that will shift your belief forward to get on it for free the link to join is in the description below i don’t cheat on my wife i don’t cheat on my customers i don’t cheat people i don’t cut corners if i can’t do something i’ll tell you up front if i screw up i’ll tell you people always kind of dump on what you call the fast food industry if i had to do it again i’d go work for mcdonald’s look i have a i have an unfair advantage you know i went to war and at war i’m alive because other guys died for me rule number five transform that’s why i said when i saw that that iphone come out i said all you millennials all you entrepreneurs out there that cell phone is your lifeline out of this mess use it so what we’re doing today is anti-fragile you know we’re wartime leaders and we’re going to come out of this better i don’t know how but it’s called metamorphosis you know metamorphosis is like when a butterfly i mean a caterpillar turns into a butterfly that’s metamorphosis and the definition of metamorphosis you can look it up the dictionary is the tran or the transformation from an immature form to an adult form immature form to adult form in other words grow up so for some of us this crisis will grow up will come of an anti-fragile will come out stronger and that’s why i’ve been watching my tweets i say you know the best teachers are on youtube not in school because most school teachers and this is what jordan peterson is saying he said jordan peterson’s being attacked by his own school teachers because they are you know they’re all these guys and they tend there they job security they need protection the world’s a terrible place capitalists are crooks and all this stuff and it’s a free country you can listen to those guys if you want or you can listen to patrick mcdavid so your thing on the military leader versus the peacetime leader was prescient it was one of the most important lessons everybody should look at they have to ask yourself today am i going to be a military leader and come out of this anti-fragile and stronger better healthier or am i going to be crushed by what fuller called grunch the gross universal cashless rule number six focus on infinite returns i encourage anybody listening to this or any entrepreneur get to the point where you don’t need money it’s called the infinite return and that’s my my next book coming out next year yeah when you get to the point where you don’t need money you’re home free you’ll never need money you don’t care you could always put a deal together you can always create an asset out of nothing you know it’s like i don’t know what else it’s the power of god-given power so like i said when i write a book i’m selling 50 copies 50 licenses day one and let’s say i got 10 000 a license how much is that 50 times 10 000. is it 500 000. 50 times 10 000. yeah that’s a hundred thousand yeah so i’m in i’m in the black immediately what does it cost me maybe ten thousand to write a book you know so i’m in the black the same thing if i trade a stock i buy a stock a dollar it goes up to 10 and i sell so i have all free trading stock i have no money and that’s what buffett’s doing they’re all infinite return guys true you have no money into the deal and you can do it with anything rule number seven question things today if you know people complain i don’t make enough money in romania well you have a cell phone you can make money all over the world you can’t make money in dollars yen flatnic pesos you know it’s just limited thinking if a person doesn’t change what’s inside their head the actual thoughts running their brain which are words they’ll never change so the change begins when you question go to school get a job work hard pay taxes save money get out of debt and invest in the stock market until you until you question that one nothing changes rule number eight use tax breaks there’s three kinds of income this ordinary portfolio passive so when you say to some poor kid go to school get a job they’re working for ordinary income the highest tax income in the world i don’t work ordinary income i don’t want a paycheck passive income is generally what happens when you invest in the stock market i mean portfolio income so they say well i bought tesla at 100 it went up to 200 i sold it so i made a hundred dollars that’s portfolio income that’s taxed at the next higher level so when i have passive income it’s tax free getting passive income you have to know what you’re doing so that’s why i have the best first of all bookkeeper accounts attorneys bankers i operate as a team just like my my when we flew into combat we’re a team and most people are trying to do it self-employed way you know i’m a good computer programmer good you pay the highest taxes you work the hardest you don’t get ahead that way but that’s what most people they want to do it on their own you know if you want it done right do it by yourself an employee is always saying the same words you know this year and this year i’m looking for a safe secure job with uh benefits and a paycheck and uh pension that you got that that’s what they’re looking for so if i have a job well and a self-employed person said how are you doing i’m the best good i’ll hire the best but you the government’s going to penalize you for that because you’re because you’re working for a quiet blended income but it’s more passive things it’s actually ordinary income but um you pay the highest taxes the tax law are nothing but incentives not punishments so if you donate if i i just donated uh money to the food bank because there are a lot of food as well as 10 000 bucks i get a tax credit i don’t donate money to food bank no tax break so because i have 7 000 rentals apartment houses i got a tax break you know why because i’m providing housing and because i have thousands of employees the tax break the government even sent me money to pay my employees rule number nine consider currency what do you recommend people do in a market that is potentially heading into depression should they be saving cash and thinking about you know becoming more liquid like what what are some of the things that they should do well it depends upon the cash if you’re if you’re in argentine is it right peso yeah i wouldn’t touch it i’d save gold and silver see what’s what’s his name uh what’s his head edgewater’s hedgeway no bridgewater’s guy ray dalio yeah he says it depends upon the currency you’re in sure he says so like zimbabwe their debt is financed with external money japan is internally financed so that’s why the depression doesn’t hurt them as badly so you have to learn so much about that so i own millions and millions and millions and millions of millions in gold because i started buying gold in 1973 when it was illegal for americans owned gold and i like gold and silver because there’s no counterparty arrest there’s no other party to it gold and silver are god’s money so people say well it’s not a good investment i said yeah but i i sleep at night what’s that worth you know sure so i don’t care if the dollar the dollar is corrupt the us dollar is corrupt but it’s the strongest currency in a horrible currency world yeah so if you’re u.s save dollars you’re in argentina don’t save save gold right i say bitcoin you think bitcoin would be i mean i mean bitcoin’s got its problems too but you’re so when you say save money you gotta say what what currency yeah what currency and rule number ten the last one before some very special bonus clips is understand the game the very guys that went to the schools the best schools created these fake assets to make themselves and the six major banks richer than ever before they produced sugar highs of immediate profits but separated those taking the risk from those who would bear the consequences so the way out of it is for financial education and you can do it everybody can do it but you have to understand the game after 1971 this is what happens to people who save money the purchasing power of the dollar is going down because they’re printing money and our school visuals these fake teachers like and they’re good people all these financial planners still tell you to save money well why would you save money when these guys are printing it faster than you could ever ever save it that’s bad teaching bad financial advice horrible so he says and then the second thing they tell you to save money and invest for the long term in the stock market this guy is saying i said are you nuts this is stockman he was reagan’s budget director he’s a real teacher he was there this is the whole stock market is rigged for the rich again it’s a casino and a casino is based depends upon all these losers coming in so those the top can win so the losers started coming in right around here 1974. it was a thing called the 401k they needed more losers to enter the market and what do the financial planners tell you save money and invest for the long term in the stock market they needed people to come in here and push this up again it’s a casino like las vegas a lot of losers walk in winners walk out with the money that’s the game now again was glass-steagall they organize hedge funds that turn owning a stock into a minute to minute bit rather than invest for the long term it’s a casino we don’t know when but it will come down then all those guys those 401ks toast that’s why the rich dead company was formed that’s why i catch so much hell saying savers are losers you know why invest for a long term in the stock market when it’s a casino my concern is my the old guys like me are sitting there with their retirement plans which are broke you know the california retirement system is broke hawaii retirement system is broke chicago’s retirement system is broke and if and when this baby comes down my generation is toast the way out is for real financial education now i’ve got a special bonus clip that i think you’re going to enjoy but before that it’s time for the question of the day i want to know what was your single biggest takeaway from this video and what is your plan of action for the next week the sign says that when you just watch a video you get motivated you get inspired you have a 35 chance of actually doing something following through that believe nation is not enough 35 is not enough we got to do something but when you get inspired by watching a video like this and then you create a plan of action your chances of following will jump to 91 and when you commit publicly like putting your comment down below with your plan it jumps to 95 that’s what i want for you i want you to take action your dreams are too important your life matters your mission has to happen so question of the day your biggest takeaway from this video and your plan of action for the next week put it down in the comments below and i’m going to celebrate alongside with you the property was a little condominium one bedroom one bath eighteen thousand dollars u.s it was on the beach of maui the reason the price was so low is the market had crashed smart investors always wait for the crash so this thing crashed i had to look at 100 properties once i left the class three-day class i had to look at 100 properties in 90 days and write a one-page report on each of those properties as my instructor said to me when i left that three-day class i was 26 years old and the instructor says your education begins when you leave the class as your education will begin when you leave this class not now do you have a chance to talk to carlos you have a chance to talk to alvaro talk to them find out learn doesn’t cost you any money change your ideas so with this here the instructor said i had to borrow buy the investment for zero money okay zero money most people will tell you i can’t invest because i don’t have money that’s a loser please understand this this was 1974. the dollar had just gone off the gold standard everything was coming up fast so i had to figure out how to buy it for zero and the reason i say that is most poor people like padre pobre always says i can’t afford it i know some of you right now saying well i can’t afford it i don’t have time i have children i have a job i have bills to pay and it is those excuses that keep you poor if you did cannot change that talk in your head you will always be the poor person i just think about the economy business okay world affairs i i want to my job is to make complex financial systems simple enough so the average person can understand it that is extremely difficult because most people are brainwashed when it comes to money go to school get a job work hard pay your taxes save money get out of debt buy a house and invest in a stock market everybody who follows that program has been brainwashed i don’t even care about money i make a lot of money because i understand the system i would never go to school get a job work hard save money get out of debt buy a house and invest in a stock market i do everything exactly opposite you wake up tomorrow morning let’s have some fun with us you you wake up tomorrow morning and you’re on the street and you have nothing you don’t have a single contact in your network all you have is the knowledge and experience that you’ve had throughout your career how do you build up from there well i’ve been there many times so it’s no big deal you just figure out what’s needed and wanted you go do it you know i people always kind of dump on what you call the fast food industry if i had to do it again i could work for mcdonald’s and the reason i go work for mcdonald’s you know whether it’s seven bucks an hour or fifteen i don’t really care i don’t really like mcdonald’s food but they have the best business systems in the world you know how else can a company take virtually non-college educated people and build a fast food industry across the world and they have the best system so right inside little mcdonald’s you can learn everything you need to learn about business except for the management side of it so i just go work at mcdonald’s so i can learn even more so i look at life as learning i’m constantly learning you know i’m reading constantly studying constantly i spend my most of my time with entrepreneurs i don’t spend my time with people who complain about the economy you know so nothing will really change i just go back to being an entrepreneur you know if you want to stay small be the smartest guy on the block and that’s why most accountants most attorneys most doctors never get rich is because they’re too narrow you know they’re experts in toenail removal or something you know i mean or my attorney a poor guy is an a student he knows jack about outside of that whereas i never had i’m not i flunked out high school twice because i can’t write it’s iron if i’m right here today but the reason i’m pretty good is because in the military we’re taught to be generalists not specialists so when i sit down with my team i have accountants i have attorneys i have media guys i have it guys i have graphic designers and all this so i operate as a team since i don’t know anything so in in actuality being a great entrepreneur means i could be the laziest guy and i can know the least but i have to have a very smart team which is the ring finger around me so because i was never smart i had respect for people who are smart and a lot of times i meet a students and they think they’re the smartest guys on planet earth and that lack of respect will keep them small and that’s what most corporate guys want to do stay small you know you got to climb that corporate ladder you got to beat the other guys win the job and it’s all that stuff it’s not the way an entrepreneur really works it’s it’s corporate it’s school system you know you got to beat up for the grades you got the best grades i don’t have to be the best but i have to hang out with the best well the thing is you see when people you know economies go up economies go down we might go into a depression worldwide like i said france is in very big trouble germany is okay england’s in big trouble china’s in trouble so if we go to that we go to a worldwide depression and it might take ten years you know to come out of it but during these times this is the best time i have made more money in the last three years than ever before in my life you know i i bought five i bought five golf courses last year out of banks that’s impressive yeah well the banks yeah donald bought ten they’re giving them away no one told me yeah but you have to know how to operate them you know you have to be an entrepreneur yeah so the banks just call you up and they say there was this one there was five golf courses and one hotel in the states in arizona yeah gulf mecca you know and this japanese company had it and they asked me if i wanted to buy it about five years ago for 260 million i said does it make sense you know it doesn’t make sense at 260 million so they told me i didn’t know what i was doing they said i could buy and then last this one year ago this summer the citibank called up and says you want those golf courses and they gave me the money to buy them one of the things i i stress here at rich dab which i never i didn’t do for much of the time was because once kim and i had enough money the question is what do you do next and if kim and i had continued to work for money i think i would have died so when kim retired she was 37 and i was 47. but just as we said on this on with vantay it’s one of your primary objectives especially today is when do you plan to retire because you know the idea of having a job and waiting for your 401k or your stock market to save you i think you’re going to be sadly disappointed because what i’m forcing is a massive crash coming that’s going to wipe out a lot of people and i’m coming up with a new book called who stole my pension and all these guys who think their pension is safe i think wall street has other ideas on their pension here so when i say the young people like you guys i said you know plan your retirement the day you start working you know when do you escape from the rat race that’s the cash flow game there i only became an entrepreneur because it was the greatest challenge i could take on as far as my personal education personal development and it wasn’t to make money you know and as i said my first business was a nylon and velcro surfer wallet business and the mistake i made i was successful and we grew internationally so fast i just couldn’t finance my success and so i started borrowing money and which was good i started to learn how to raise capital i learned i learned how to negotiating you know in the reason i was in korea fighting taekwondo was i was out there negotiating anyway for production because we were manufacturing in hawaii where the cost of manufacturing was too too high sure so i had to fly to korea and taiwan to negotiate manufacturing i tell you man you’re not stupid until you’re negotiating against koreans and taiwanese man those guys had me coming and going up one side and down the other but that’s what i did it for yeah you know what i mean is to learn and to learn to finance learn how to factor you know how to how to ship and then factor my inventory and all this stuff i learned so much as i was going broke successfully going broke and so when i explained to young people that’s what i did it for that so that’s how you get smarter but in this academic culture you know we’re just talking about jordan peterson how he yeah he rails up against academics on the academic culture the person who makes the most mistakes is a stupid person but an entrepreneur the person that makes the most mistakes and learns from them is the smarts is the rich person so i always say to young entrepreneurs it’s not money will never make you rich you know it’s your experience how much you’ll learn the mistakes you make the people you make and all those horrible experiences they’re all good experiences if you learn from them sure and that’s the attitudinal difference of an entrepreneur most guys are small business guys they’re not entrepreneurs you know they open a pizza shop to make money and they get stuck in that pizza shop forever you know well that’s not me and the subject of entrepreneur is a massive subject so you got a drug dealer peddling drugs is also an entrepreneur as is jeff bezos running the biggest product pushing country in the company in the whole world they’re both entrepreneurs but the gap between the drug dealer and bezos massive so when i speak to young people so what kind of entrepreneur do you want to be and if he’s just here to make money since you can do that but it’s not exciting entrepreneurs have one thing in common they keep going they’ll change the rules they’ll reinvent them you know they don’t just take one answer so a real entrepreneur really makes no difference which country you’re in that’s my beliefs i’m not i i love that you know i mean it’s just a mindset you know if you you mess with me i’ll find a way around it you know i have a friend he’s a multi-multi-multi-family rich guy from france and you know france is as communistic as it gets 75 top line for million dollar earners yeah but that’s why he lives here yeah so [Music] he he started buying vineyards in napa and sonoma so he went back to the french government and says it’s his wine he says i want to ship my wine in bulk to california and the government says you can’t do that this is the french government’s and you can’t share it and here’s a guy is i think he’s five generations you know french blind guy this guy is this guy is an entrepreneur entrepreneur he says okay i can’t ship him in barrels the guy goes yeah he says okay i’ll jump in bottles so he battled all of his stuff it cost him more money but he still figured out how to creativity now he has his wine with his california wine and all this and so he went back to the french government here try this see if it’s not better and so now they’re all confused because he didn’t break any rules so i’ll say it again entrepreneur is a mindset first a skill set and rules and depending upon whether you’re employee or small business the rules are different the mindsets are different the skill sets are different what’s your philosophy when it comes to human resources how do you get the right people and then how do you keep the right people it’s the most important part of business you know that’s why i went to military school then i went to i was a marine corps the reason why i talked to military veterans you probably have the most important skill of all because all we’re trying to do whether you’re at a general or private you’re taught to be leaders it is a number one skill of an entrepreneur is people skills and leadership skills and unfortunately most people don’t have it coming into so when i do my talks to veterans and all this stuff i really want to encourage them you know because they’re pretty depressed because they can’t get you know they’re a walmart breeder which is a good job but they’re afraid to take the leap into entrepreneurship so but military guys i don’t care what branch of service just by the indoctrination process and the survival rate whether they go to combat or not is that you learn leadership skills people skills you’ve got to have that you know whether whether you’re a team of one you still have to deal with your customers and the good customers bad customers lawsuits uh taxes government regulations and all this they’re all people skills you know so when somebody says to me what do i need to learn i said boy you better learn how to communicate pretty quickly to people you don’t like and get them on your side you know how to win friends and influence people basic book the number one skill of an entrepreneur is people skills well most successful entrepreneurs have gone blessed right you know henry ford an old-time entrepreneur he went bust five times okay look at steve jobs yeah his own board fired him yeah you know bill gates was taken before the supreme court for monopolistic practices right even my friend donald trump went down a billion dollars yeah i only went down a million so the average person is so afraid of those losses they never get ahead because at school they teach you if you make a mistake or if you fail you’re a failure but that’s not real life a baby learns to walk by standing up and falling down standing up and falling down and our school system punishes you for making mistakes that’s why my poor dad and academic was so unsuccessful he was terrified of making mistakes well as we know there’s fewer and fewer jobs you know american corporations say they’re hiring but they’re not hiring in america they’re hiring overseas but more than that is that the reason i endorse network marketing is most people are addicted to the paycheck and the paycheck is one of the most sinister plots ever pulled upon a human being if you need a paycheck you’ve sold your soul you know you sold your body your mind your spirit and your emotions you sit there in fear of losing your job or can i get a raise or you know will i get promoted i mean and then and then why would you do that and the other thing about reason we endorse network marketing we don’t think of it as a network marketing we think of it as entrepreneur development because if you need a paycheck this is not your business you know we build businesses so sometimes when kim and i do a deal we we may not receive a paycheck for five six years you know and so these guys come oh am i gonna get rich quick you know and some people do i don’t know you do or not but that is an employee get rich loser mindset and so the thing that network marketing does is really kind of cure you of that loser paycheck get rich quick mentality and actually build a business you know we build businesses but and that’s how we’re rich but we didn’t get rich quick and i don’t need a paycheck i never want a paycheck so that’s kind of a revolutionary thought to most people up there who went to school to get good grades and get a job you know they get a high paying job and then the higher paying job you pay higher taxes and you wonder why you never get a hit that’s because you went to school to get a job and a paycheck you’ve got to get away from the paycheck and sometimes it might take two three years to get away from that and that’s what network marketing teaches people it’s an entrepreneur’s mindset it’s an entrepreneur’s spirit not a loser employee i need a paycheck mentality i’m trying to explain to you when they tell you get out of debt that’s because the money is debt and the only way money gets out of debt is via taxes so all the people who work for money you read rich dad poor dad what’s lesson number one rich people don’t work for money correct money is debt i use debt as money and everybody thinks getting in debt is bad well who told you that i think the stock market is for losers why would you put money in the stock market when it’s manipulated that’s what i think about so i’m always watching the manipulation going on behind the scenes [Music] that’s what my brain is focusing on all the time and i don’t pay taxes the question is how is it i don’t pay taxes i can tell you that’s not that’s an important question because most people are so most romanians and most people in the united states cheat on their taxes because they hate taxes so much but you don’t have to cheat on taxes if you understood how money was working you think donald trump pays taxes no nobody has seen his tax returns yeah i know him he’s my friend we don’t pay taxes that’s the question how is it we do that that’s an intelligent question the reason you can’t ask me this question because you don’t know how i do it that’s what i’m thinking about i’m constantly thinking about how do i make money how do i serve more people how do i create new businesses make more money and pay less taxes and serve more people i am very shy very very shy you know i came back from vietnam and i could kill people but i couldn’t talk to people and one day i said to my when i decided to follow my rich dad’s footsteps i just said to him i want to be an entrepreneur he says you got one problem i said what’s that said you’re shy i said what’s wrong with being shy he says you got to sell you got to handle rejection number one skill can you handle rejection the answer is no i couldn’t handle it so i said i still want to learn how to sell so now this is in 1973 i was 25 years old and my rich dad said how’s your love life so it sucks is he getting laid i said no he says because you can’t sell guys got it so when i talk about what skill do you need when the hits the fan you better start selling so i went to work for xerox in 1974 so i gotta learn how to sell it took me four years and i was number one okay and today i’m a best-selling author you know most phds tell me i can’t write yes i said i can’t write but i can’t sell if you can’t sell you don’t make money period end the statement you know just because you have a product doesn’t mean jack but the important thing is you start i don’t care what product you start with but you start and i started off with nylon wallets success wiped me out you know we couldn’t sell couldn’t sell also that took off then i couldn’t finance i couldn’t finance couldn’t find that because the sales kept going through the roof now trouble is i kept borrowing and i couldn’t sustain the sales next lesson but that’s how we learn okay you know i don’t know if you saw me on uh patrick ben david you know that guy’s a guy is a genius member i love working with him he’s smart yeah yeah oh is he smart he’s kind of i used to work with tony robbins and he has that quickness of brain yeah i’m a little hawaiian a little slower but anyway he goes he goes uh i told him i said you know during the agrarian age the church was the center so every small town had a church so it was very spiritual and that was a culture we shifted the industrial age and then weaponry came up so we could now kill you know that we went from swords to guns to machine guns to rockets to drones you know so during the industrial age they started building statues to war heroes so that was a you know as a marine they had the marines raising the flag on iwo jima and they have robert e lee and grant and so everybody everybody respected war heroes and stuff like that now they’re tearing down robert e lee and grant and all these guys because america is now worshiping the victim finger brutality the victim mentality that’s what i said on patrick about david and a couple of my friends called me and said here and i said well you’re entitled to your opinion but i’ve been called better you know and stuff like this but i said we’re raising victims our schools are pumping out victims and the reason i like this guy jordan peterson yes he says it’s not what a person stands for you see that he did this great thing it’s what are they against he says a lot of times i’ll stand up there say well i stand for socialism but they’re really against the rich and so that’s why i wouldn’t talk about andrew yang and uh pete butterjudge and all this stuff i wonder what they really stand for what are they really fighting for so i’m up front with you i’m fighting for capitalism yeah you know i fight for education that that we should have better education i’m not saying anything else inside that i don’t have a hidden agenda sure sure so when these guys are talking about we’re going to fix the homeless i said and what does that mean and so what uh jordan peterson says this is they’re against the rich they’re not for the homeless they’re against the rich and that’s where most of the people on the left are and i don’t know that because i’m not political not republican or democrat they don’t have any religious agenda you know you’re going to believe in god fine the law believing god fine but it’s i want to know what you really stand for not what you pretend to be standing for you see there’s three types of ways people work number one is a job number two is a career and number three is a calling so let’s look at it this way it’s not the job you do it’s your point of view on it so a school teacher i would say probably 30 40 percent it’s just a job you know they’re school teachers not because they like teaching but they like the benefits they like the pay you know for them the paycheck is the reward for doing something they don’t want to do the second is a career so a school teacher goes in that this is my career you know someday i’ll be vice principal or you know some superintendent things like that so that’s their career and then we’ve all had teachers where their whole life soul is in teaching those are the best teachers well those are the ones i remember i also remember the ones who were the job guys they were the worst some of the worst i’ve ever had you know i just argued and fought with them they’re the reason i left school so when i talk to entrepreneurs i say is it just a job is it your career to be an entrepreneur or is it your calling and there’s nothing right or wrong just be honest with yourself you know right now i’m going to start a taco shop because i need to make some money knock yourself out you know but when i started my first business it was not to make money necessarily money is important because money is fuel for the business but i wanted to learn to be an entrepreneur so i started nylon velcro wallets i don’t love the product product sucks but i wanted to be a great entrepreneur so i was willing to do a product that i wasn’t passionate about but i was passionate about learning to be an entrepreneur and then when i became successful as an entrepreneur i have enough money i said what do i want to do next and i retired at 47. i had enough money coming in and i said well i hated school i loved education i just hated school i loved most of my teachers i just hated school you know because every time they said to me go to school and get a job i said but i don’t want a job i want a business you have to get a job did i mean it was the programming i didn’t like so with that said i became an entrepreneur in education and today i make millions as a teacher but i make it as an entrepreneur so when people say well don’t you have enough money i said it’s not about the money at this point because i have plenty it’s about the job you know it’s what’s my calling that’s what bucky fuller said you must trust your intuition you know and it’s called your gut feeling a lot of the times and scientists have just recently found out there’s actually brain material in your gut that’s why you get a bad feeling and that’s kind of where intuition comes from it’s more from your gut rather than your brain and my intuition kind of changed because i went to vietnam twice i was a good marine marine u.s marine pilot and all this i was doing it for god country in america you know all this stuff and one day i was standing on the battlefield in 1972 and i said what am i doing here you know why am i killing these people i don’t hate them they don’t hate me and that’s when my life you know you start start waking up as you grow older so i learned to trust my intuition and say what i had to say like this book is about the future also follows a futurist so for me to write rich dad poor dad in 1997 nearly 20 years ago was about the future it wasn’t about 1997. the question i ask you is are you following the herd you know the herd generally goes off the cliff like a bunch of lemmings and how many are doing what your mommy and daddy told you what to do go to school get a job invest in a well-diversified portfolio stocks bonds mutual funds and etfs is that what you’re doing are you hoping that the next person elected whether it’s president trump or one of the other candidates will save the economy well we have a very important show for people like you because this program is about you have to do the exact opposite of what everybody else is doing because if you keep doing what everybody’s doing i’m afraid everybody’s going to go off the cliff that cliff is not too far away right now well you know that’s why i keep saying to the young the millennials you know if they’re a pack of wimps you know i meet millennials who are just horrifyingly weak snowflakes i call them you know they go to college formats they’re taught trigger events or whatever you know i don’t know what they say today but they’ve got to have special rooms where there’s no whatever i’m going holy mackerel welcome to the real world you know and the other millennials who are as tough as nails i mean this is the biggest opportunity they’ve ever had huge so it just depends upon what’s between this year and this year what’s in your heart the big question is how much is enough you know because i think the reason kim and i are successful is we always started small we actually stay small kitchen table and we we do keep doing the same thing but we don’t ever try to get big we we got big but i think we caught big by staying small we did i mean our core group is very small yeah and then we license out so for those of you who think you have to start some mega company or be you know make millions of dollars that’s not really true a big part of what makes a company successful is whether or not they have a brand b-r-a-n-d almost misspelled it okay and brand people think well it’s the communication you know but a brand is more than that the reason rich dad is so valuable right now is because it is an internationally known brand the same way as trump is known as a brand and the real question on a brand is not just communication so a brand makes it easier to sell when somebody says rich dad they go oh i think i heard of that or i know what the guy stands for and all this so what a brand really is is the entire bi triangle if you’re going to create a brand especially in a world that’s overcrowded with advertising communication the webs ipods print blogs i mean there’s so much competition now for a person’s time it really is more important that you become a brand so there’s a shortcut communication like if i say the word ferrari you know you get a picture of something in your mind it’s a whole body effect but if i said hyundi or kia you know car they’re probably just as good a car but you get a whole different emotional effect just by the brand name so i’m not saying hyundai’s are better or worse than a ferrari but i’ll pay more for a ferrari than i will for a hyundai i don’t own a hyundai by the way i own a ferrari what does it mean it’s a shortcut communication like if i say the word apple you know some people think of computers and some people think of red apple but for the guys like me who i’m an apple fanatic you know the brand means a lot to me i love steve jobs he’s one of the best entrepreneurs in the world right now and if i say the word marine corps marine corps is a brand it communicates everything the mission the team the leadership the style the message and the marines have a saying we’re only looking for a few good men and women that means we just don’t want to be like the army we have to position ourselves away from the army the air force and the coast guard and the navy so brands are so vitally important as a communication tool especially in today’s over communicated to world there are more people competing for your customers mind their time you know how many blogs can you read how many magazines can you read how many television sets can read how many games can you play and all this so today if you’re going to be an entrepreneur it becomes more and more important that you become a brand i always say quit your job but that’s not you know i don’t have a job i’ve only had one job and i never wanted a job after that because i had to be hungry not to say you know but we’re all different we’re humans we’re different beings if i share this diagram here you know it’s why i created my cash flow board game because we have four different intelligences we have mental intelligence we have i don’t know what that one is spasm you probably have very good physical to make you know football and all that yeah emotional intelligence but spiritual intelligence so i went to military school in new york the first thing is spiritual you know i become a marine that’s spiritual yeah you know what i mean because you’re putting your life on the freaking line yeah you know so nazim talib and i wrote the book the black swan he also wrote anti-fragile he says there’s three kinds of people in the world there’s fragile and that’s what our school systems are putting out fragile 1b snowflakes and that’s your choice you want to be that way have a good life the second type is that sauce a fragile like a champagne flute yep you hit it at the shatters then the second one is called robust and a robust person is like the rock you know you can pound on them dump on home yeah they take it but that’s all they do they take it and then anti-fragile is somebody like you where they pound the crap out of you and you get smarter and better because so i love nazim talent and a lot of people call them dr doom but the way i look at this whole thing this economy is we’re probably going into depression you know we’re not going to get out of this really oh yeah and so the thing is is this good for you or bad for you i’m looking forward to it you know the last the last question was 2008 and i made more money in 2008 than in my whole life so this one here 2 000 you know what is the 2020 i’m going to get any richer but they’re going to get poor and if they’re baby boomers they’re going to blame it on this corona virus oh my you know that hey hit the road put on some running shoes change your diet get some sunlight you know get healthy don’t get don’t be a wimp but oh no i’m so afraid of dying you’re already dead you don’t even know it yet you know the marine corps you know in the marine corps we used to call them corpse people right corpse not core yeah of course no a corpsman a corpse smells a person who’s dead but doesn’t know it wow they’re so afraid of dying they’re already dead yeah it’s about taking action taking control of your life taking control of your health your finances everything this is the best time to be alive right now i don’t know what people think about money but that’s what i get a lot of is kind of this well you know money’s not spiritual i’m just saying it’s your attitudes you know a person’s attitude towards money i make a lot of money but i give a lot you know what i mean it goes to biblical principle the more you give the more you receive so when i meet somebody who’s not doesn’t have any money it just means they’re not giving something yeah you know so a lot of times there’s people who would like more but they’re not giving anything so they’re like my poor and he belonged to the labor unions and he wanted to work less and get paid more well that’s anti-religious to me if you want to get paid more work more give more that’s how i see it i’m one of those kids who doesn’t like school you know school is good for people who like school but here is my poor dad head of education phd on the governor’s board of hawaii and all this stuff and his kid me and i’m flunking out of school because i can’t read i can’t write i said i couldn’t read i couldn’t write i was bored out of my mind you know i was just hey so what i did instead was that’s when i met my rich dad was my best friend’s father and he used these things called a game see games are the best teaching tools see when i’m playing this game this is how the rich taught their kids battle strategies called chess my rich dad taught me to be a rich man playing monopoly we played monopoly hour after hour after hour you know the formula for great wealth of monopolies four greenhouses one red hotel so today in arizona i own 8 000 green hotel i mean greenhouses and several red hotels i just play monopoly for real so that’s the power of a game because a game engages me mentally physically because i actually have to move things emotionally because when somebody knocks me out i better wake up you know i made a mistake and spiritually because it’s spirit that wins you know if you just saw golden state play the play you know everybody i mean i love lebron james i love cleveland you know but one guy cannot take on a team and i think lebron scores 60 of all the points in assists and all that but a better team beat them so when you look at business business is the same thing but this is a team sport i have to have good accountants good attorneys good marketing guys good tech guys great staff i have to have great leaders you know the trouble with most entrepreneurs are self-employed so they quit their job and you know in america today the sba the small business administration says there’s 28 million small business owners 28 million 24 million are classified as non-employers remember they’re a one-man team you know the bay like this guy said okay i’m going to take you on are you crazy but that’s what most entrepreneurs are trying to do because that’s what they’re taught to do in school to be the rugged individual you know in school i was very successful as long as i could cooperate at test time but in school cooperation at test time is called cheating in the real world the guys have the biggest team win so all i focus on is putting the best team together meanwhile a lot of time the a students in school that the doctors and lawyers are sitting there all by themselves they’re sitting ducks but they’re entrepreneurs do not mean that’s a mindset tactics strategy i went to military school i’m a former marine so i think like a military operation which i love chess so most most entrepreneurs you know they have this job okay i’m going to be an entrepreneur and this guy says massacre that’s very good because they went to school they’ll learn to get a job and they take tests on their own they have to be the smartest that’s like the lebron james i don’t want to be the smartest guy in my team but i want to have the best team and that’s why i win most of my games that’s great i think like this and the doctors think like this okay yeah i got you man for some reason i get the sense i’m gonna win i made the my usual wise ass remark only lazy people use their own money and that’s because i have spent much of my life raising capital you know today you have crowd funding and all that stuff but the reason i had to learn to raise money was because i had no money and so if you read rich dad poor dad in there my my rich dad always said never say i can’t afford it and was my rich dad and many of my teachers subsequent to that this lazy people always say i can’t afford it i don’t have the money that’s why they’re poor they have a poor mindset so instead of figuring out how to raise money it’s just really easy to be a loser and i call losers if this is enough because we all have the power if we wanted to to not be poor if we learned how to raise money what i found out the accountants and attorneys who went to the biggest schools are not the best i have found what i’m looking for is somebody who may be a private guy who is passionate about entrepreneurship so they’re a great attorney for entrepreneurs you know they’re not you know most attorneys looking for the big client like i want to work for you know general electric what i want is the attorney and the account who are passionate about it being entrepreneurs so my my guys right here in phoenix are entrepreneurs and my accountants are entrepreneurs every time i hire the big name corporate and law accounting firms i have been grossly overpaid and underserved because they’re so used to doing bigger things they don’t have time for a little guy like me it’s the same with bankers i’m looking for a banker who loves being an entrepreneur you know you got to have this partnership with the bank you know i i dump on the financial services industry a lot and they deserve to be dumped on but you got to have one on your team you know so my banker is the love of my life because that’s where i get my money from i don’t know if it’s good news except to be careful um you know what changed my life was a book like it did for many people it was this book it was called the grunge of giants and it’s by dr r buckminster fuller and grunt stands for gross universal cash ice so when i was i think in my 30s i went to study with fuller you know he’s most well known for the geodesic dome and i first saw his geodesic dome in montreal canada expo 67 the world’s fair on the future so my classmate from school in new york we hitchhiked up to um montreal just to see bucky’s dome it was a u.s pavilion and it blew me away you know and um but we all have these events and teachers in our lives and so i think the good news is is that there’s a teacher like you online now the best teachers are on youtube not in schools anymore and um i think that’s really the good news is what we’re doing is the news what’s happening in the news today is fake it’s the old news this um it’s tragic this corona virus you know like i don’t know if it’s real i mean the virus is real but the media terrorism is frightening so i’ve already been warned many times to stay in my lane don’t go into medicine don’t go into this virus stay teaching people with my little cash flow game you know i’m talking about stay small or will stomp on you so i just remember back in nineteen so i i first went to the dome in montreal at the world’s fair in 67 and i studied the fuller in 1981 and i started in 81 82 and 83 and he was predicting the future he told us what was coming and as i’ve said many times many people it’s not what i want to do i don’t do what i love i ask myself what does god want done and what god wants done is that his real education my opinion and his financial education and there is no real financial education in our school systems and that’s not a mistake so i um that was in 81 and 83 i couldn’t take it anymore i read a red grunge of giants and i understood it because my rich dad kept saying somebody’s messing with us and every time you say that you know you’re a tin hat guy your aluminum hat you’re a conspiracy or a spaceship you’re an alien guy and i’m just saying no i’m an entrepreneur at the time i was in rock and roll and my first date with kim was to the police you know and and she was out front having a good time and i wasn’t back with the attorneys negotiating a contract so i’m not really a rock and roller but i’m an entrepreneur and at that time i said what does god want done not what i want to do i love rock and roll and what god wants done is financial education that was my opinion but the that’s that was in 83. so yesterday you know and so i don’t know if i’m if that’s what i’m supposed to do because you’ll never know you’ll never know what god once done [Music] if you want more top 10 videos they’re not on this channel anymore i have a dedicated channel just for it go check it out the link is right there next to me continue to believe and i’ll see you thereWelcome to Big Money Investing – Your Ultimate Destination for In The Money Facts!
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