42 Countries Joining BRICS: What Next

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money delegates from 22 countries are gathering for the brics foreign ministers meeting in NJ novarad Russia taking place on June 10 and 11 2024 this significant event one of the largest ones in bricks history is set to discuss various topics related to global economic governance multilateralism and the ongoing development of brics cooperation this represents another step towards the further expansion of the brics Block in the near future on Monday representatives...


EVERYTHING is changing for the U.S. dollar and this is the final straw | Redacted w Clayton Morris

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money well China and Russia have unequivocally declared a fullscale attack on the US dollar I don't think most people realize we are at a Tipping Point moment right now for the US dollar dominance around the world the US Reserve currency of course is the reserve currency of the world central banks though are dumping US Dollars and fleeing to Gold they are fleeing to Commodities we just got some startling new numbers...


“USA Collapse Is Far WORSE Than You Think…” — Peter Schiff’s Last WARNING

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money [Music] I've tried my best to warn people things are going to be so bad this financial crisis that we're headed for is worse than the one we had in 2008 it's going to make 2008 look like a Sunday school picnic take your money out of the bank don't leave it there you're going to lose it one way or the other they don't care about the country they care about themselves...


63 Banks Are About To Collapse… This Is Why (and what you should do)

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money the latest FDIC report tells us that the banks are on the brink of collapse because they've just reported a517 billion loss and unrealized losses and that's ENT across the entire US banking system and the FDIC who ures our money at the banks tells us that 63 lenders are on the brink of insolvency and everyone is thinking here comes another 2008 bake collapse all over again even the most famous hedge...


BRICS New Digital Currency is Coming! What Happens to US Dollar Now?

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money 2024 will be remembered as the turning point for the collapse of the US dollar and what the US government is doing right now is so dangerous it literally will change the entire future of our world now I know many people might think that the dollar being replaced as the global currency is just a myth I mean that's exactly what this Business Insider article reported last month telling the world there...


“What’s Coming Is WORSE Than a Recession” – Robert Kiyosaki’s Last WARNING

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money [Music] I tell you may you live in interesting times I think this is interesting spooky and Empire changing I think we're watching the end of the American Empire there's a law called gresham's law and gresham's law says bad money drives out good money so this is bad money here it's called the US dollar I call it toilet paper today and this is good money here this is silver and this...


Saudi Arabia Just Ditched The US Dollar (How This Affects You)

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money I didn't think we'd be in phase three so early but here we are just this Sunday one of the biggest economic deals of the century just came to an end the long-standing Petro dollar agreement between Saudi Arabia and the US just expired on June 9th 2024 now this system which has been in place for 75 years marks a huge shift in global economics so in today's video I want to...


Robert Kiyosaki exposes the True Controllers of the World | Rich Dad Poor Dad x Straight Talk

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money I'm Mike Boris and this is straight talk every time the economy goes bad war starts do you think it's going to happen again we're already in it Robert kosaki Robert kosaki entrepreneur educator and investor best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad your book Rich Dad Poor Dad I don't know anybody who hasn't read this book if you can control your money you control your life a rich...


Top 4 Banks Secret Deal With China Just Started A Short Squeeze In This Commodity | Andy Schectman

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money and you can see for four straight weeks starting uh the second week in March first we had Deutsche Bank then we had HSBC Bank then we had JP Morgan and then Standard Charter Bank show up one after another for four straight weeks and Jamie Diamond evidently is there right now and there could there be a coincidence with these four Bankers showing up and since that first week in March the...


Warren Buffett Just Made a Huge $6.7B Investment.

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money over the past few months Warren Buffett has been hiding something a secret stock a secret position that was deliberately not disclosed to the public in his periodic 13f filings and the SEC let him do it they gave Buffett permission to buy up a stock and keep the news away from the prying Eyes Of Us fellow value investors now this is not typical but occasionally the SEC has granted birkshire hathway...