“USA Collapse Is Far WORSE Than You Think…” — Peter Schiff’s Last WARNING

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money [Music] I've tried my best to warn people things are going to be so bad this financial crisis that we're headed for is worse than the one we had in 2008 it's going to make 2008 look like a Sunday school picnic take your money out of the bank don't leave it there you're going to lose it one way or the other they don't care about the country they care about themselves...


“What’s Coming Is WORSE Than a Recession” – Robert Kiyosaki’s Last WARNING

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money [Music] I tell you may you live in interesting times I think this is interesting spooky and Empire changing I think we're watching the end of the American Empire there's a law called gresham's law and gresham's law says bad money drives out good money so this is bad money here it's called the US dollar I call it toilet paper today and this is good money here this is silver and this...