63 Banks Are About To Collapse… This Is Why (and what you should do)

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money the latest FDIC report tells us that the banks are on the brink of collapse because they've just reported a517 billion loss and unrealized losses and that's ENT across the entire US banking system and the FDIC who ures our money at the banks tells us that 63 lenders are on the brink of insolvency and everyone is thinking here comes another 2008 bake collapse all over again even the most famous hedge...


BRICS New Digital Currency is Coming! What Happens to US Dollar Now?

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money 2024 will be remembered as the turning point for the collapse of the US dollar and what the US government is doing right now is so dangerous it literally will change the entire future of our world now I know many people might think that the dollar being replaced as the global currency is just a myth I mean that's exactly what this Business Insider article reported last month telling the world there...


Saudi Arabia Just Ditched The US Dollar (How This Affects You)

Video Transcript Subscribe To Big Money I didn't think we'd be in phase three so early but here we are just this Sunday one of the biggest economic deals of the century just came to an end the long-standing Petro dollar agreement between Saudi Arabia and the US just expired on June 9th 2024 now this system which has been in place for 75 years marks a huge shift in global economics so in today's video I want to...