Bombshell Report Reveals Government Conspiracy To Defraud Homeowners

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hello fellow Rubble capitals hope you’re well I am here with my good buddy Robert Barnes and a new friend of mine his name is Mitch and Mitch came up to me at the Limitless conference I was there with Kenny marroy and uh hiosaki and RFK Jr was there and Mitch revealed um what I mean there’s no other word for it it’s shocking it’s absolutely shocking um it’s almost like a Michael bu type of investigation but instead of mortgage back Securities and derivatives uh Mitch has gone into what these local governments in Texas are charging people for property taxes and it’s it’s it’s it’s fraudulent to say the least so when Mitch came up to me at the Limitless conference I said look I’ve got to get you in touch with Barnes uh because this is right in his wheelhouse so I wanted to invite both of them on so Mitch could explain exactly to Robert what’s happening uh you guys could just be a fly on the wall and then get Robert’s feedback on you know what we can do uh to you hold these people accountable and make sure that this isn’t happening into the future so uh Mitch do you want to go ahead and introduce yourself just give your your your backstory really quick and then tell us how you came across this um you know quite literally a conspiracy to fraud homeowners in Texas sure um I am a 35-year builder developer with a background is statistical probability and quantitative Finance I’m originally from Windsor Ontario Canada and I left my home country because of the socialism and now here I am investigating what has come our way since 2016 when I realized that Denton Central Appraisal District was committing fraud on the public and I didn’t realize the depth in 2016 but I knew something was wrong and then in 2017 that’s when we really started digging in because they tried to jump the value of one of my retail buildings from what had been settled in 2016 at roughly a million dollars to 1.7 well coincidentally my income went down if my income goes down on an incom producing property please explain how the value goes to 1.7 in other words even at 1.7 the income off the property could not support the taxes the property could never generate the revenue to support the taxes so we filed 2017 all the way through we’ve been filing year after year after year lawsuits we have won every single one of them but this is not inexpensive so finally what happened in 2023 I told Matt in 2016 there was a wizard behind the screen doing this because there is no computer system on this planet that could be monking with these numbers to the point what we had discovered well in um August of 2023 Don Spencer the chief appraiser stood in front of the board and told the board that they took 60,000 properties outside of the database manipulated them in Excel and put them back the person who did it her name is Rebecca Townsen she works directly for Spencer here’s the problem she’s the wizard behind the screen admittedly okay a week after that Charles Stafford the board of directors member stands in front of the board and tells the public Mr Spencer you and your team are the Masters at guessing those two issues alone prove the entirety of the case they have admitted to manipulating the data but it gets even better so the day Mr Spencer said that statement I have something called an infection rate spreadsheet which is actually used for studying how fast a disease rolls through a county or country so I applied that math to Mr Spencer’s statement of 60,000 and that turned out to be 76% corrupt database and that proves right on the spot that they’re committing fraud on a mass scale but it got worse so let’s just say that Don Spencer lied which is a very high probability let’s turn it from 60,000 to 880,000 that became 92% corrupt data and what they’ve been doing year after year is not using true comparisons so if you go all the way back to 2016 and just on one property that one property has six comparisons for the sake of argument that’s typically what they use well if two out of the six are erroneous such as what they just did with with my house by way of example so they gave me a comp that’s 35 miles away in Carolton Texas and they gave me another comparison in North Lake Texas which is about 22 miles away yet I built the subdivision that I’m literally standing in right now okay the law says you have to use like kind comparisons how better can you get than the comparisons from the own subdivision from your own subdivision so the point of the matter is they have cumulatively compounded fraud at least since 2016 that we can prove and on the overall scheme of things therein lies the whole problem and that’s why their databases are irretrievably corrupted and that’s why you have a whole host of co-conspirators and the people we’re calling co-conspirators are those who have signed an oath as oath of office to protect and defend the constitution of the State of Texas and the United States of America they violated that oath and under Texas Penal Code that’s a third deegree felony so as I keep saying they do not have a defense they’re caught yeah so Mitch let me just put this in layman terms what’s happening is according to your research the local governments in Texas are saying well we need x amount of money this year and well let’s just say it’s a billion dollars and for us to get the billion dollars in property taxes we have to increase the appraisal value of the overall housing stock by let’s say 30% and where whereas obviously they’re they’re kind of reverse engineering the number they need instead of abiding by the law which gives the appraiser a formula to use and based on this formula that’s what the housing price or the appraisal should be and then you’re paying a percentage of that but unfortunately if they were being honest about it the county or the city wouldn’t get enough of these property tax tax es to fund the local school districts nor would anyone buy their bonds because let’s remember that the cash flow from these property taxes is the underlying asset from a lot of these municipal bonds that are being sold so you have this daisy chain you have this domino effect where they got themselves painted into a corner where they said look we we’ve just got to literally commit fraud on homeowners and we’ve just got to increase the their property values based on how much tax we need them to pay and so I mean that’s what’s going on that’s at the heart of it here and you think that this is being perpetrated not only in Texas but Nationwide possibly yes we have now have at least one person from 47 different states that have sent us emails and or sent us evidence so we know that this problem is a full-blown cancer over and above that it’s all the way into Canada so in Canada the only difference is that they have what’s called C they put a c in front of it usap uniform standards or professional appraisal practice it’s the exact same formula that’s the that just to be clear that’s the formula that’s the algorithm that by law these appraisers are supposed to be using yes that’s the totality of the formulas it’s a 384 page document but it says these are the types of comps you’re supposed to use here’s the category you’re supposed to use standard Dev to figure out what the outliers are they don’t do any of that so George to your point the key word is predetermined budget so right what happens is the taxing entities there 67 of them inside of Denton County by way of example they will meet with Don Spencer the chief appraiser and say here’s our budget go meet it that’s one layer of the fraud okay the second layer of the fraud is in fact what’s called a property valuation study which is the creation of the state comp controller the property valuation study is designed to take money from one school district and ship it to another school district here’s the problem for the state controller there’s no law that allows him to go to Don Spencer the chief appr appraiser and says go increase the properties to meet my budget under the property valuation study in other words State comp controller has no Authority whatsoever to denote what a value is on a property second layer of fraud in other words they can’t get past their own documents literally the first paragraph first sentence on the Denton County website that says we adhere to usap is a straight up lie they don’t none of them do this has gotten to the point where their databases are all garbage there’s literally nothing here that’s working and when Charles Stafford stands up and says you’re the masters of guessing that statement couldn’t be any more true that’s really what’s happening these values are a pure guess to me to your point a predetermined budget yeah Robert what are your initial thoughts the well uh what how have these cases so far reach the court and what’s been the hurdles and obstacles so far um the first of all 50% of their case disappeared on the last judge so the first judge in in that particular court punted she didn’t want to touch us with a 10-ft pole before we sat down her decision was made up she wasn’t going to hear this case end of story so she punted and however we gave her a notice and second opportunity um which was the right thing to do and she said okay fine bring it back she wasn’t in the courtroom when we brought it back there was a sitting judge there interestingly enough that guy actually read the brief and he said he looked at me and looked at my my attorney said Mr vexler um this is a societal issue and then he went down the rabbit trail of Chevron Defence which I’m extraordinarily familiar with because I actually wrote an amicus brief having to do with that issue so he on his own we it wasn’t part of the conversation well he turned to defense Council and said I hate to inform you Mr metf but um your client Don Spencer is the party responsible in law and then he went on a 15minute lecture on behalf of my attorney setting up his situation the way he wanted it done for my attorney to hand off to the Appel Court in Fort Worth this judge got it and he said this is a societal issue boy did he get it so the problem that the state of Texas has not realized yet is that every time somebody in the state of Texas punts on this case that pushes us one step closer to the US Supreme Court because the sovereignty Clause under the US Supreme Court trumps anything that the state can do and then of course you get into the 16th Amendment versus what the state has done because in reality market value okay is not allowed under the 16th Amendment tax on income is tax on unrealized gains is not so I’d like to be able to get you the 10 pages we’ll we’ll do that afterwards but you’ll be shocked as to how far we’ve taken this because we took usap we tied it to the math we tied it to the Texas property tax code we tied it to the Texas Constitution and we tied it to the US Constitution so the answer your question is what have been the hurdles well kind of none because we’re going to win at the appell at court and then it gets bounced back right to where we were to the same court that didn’t want to hear it so assuming she hears it and doesn’t ignore the appell at court um all this evidence will come out and then we’ll see where it goes from there but they don’t have a defense I mean they literally jumped up and said oh you can’t touch us this is immunity no that’s not what the law says I can sue the ARB members we can sue the chief appraiser we can sue the rpa’s registered property advisers who have committed perjury we can do all of that we can file criminal complaints in fact I’ve got 12 criminal complaints sitting on my attorney’s desk right now pending getting past the appell court so there’s all sorts of things we can and will do but we’re at the end game of this because they cannot defend their action they’re caught they’ve committed fraud the have you had any success uh approaching legislators or political elected officials or anybody on on the legislative side of the aisle or the executive side of the aisle at inquiring as to what’s going on well there’s a fellow by name of Senator beton Court who sits on the Texas legislature Mr beton Court makes his living as a real estate tax consultant he has zero interest in fixing this problem at a minimum he should have been forced to recuse himself and there are certainly powerful people who have a benefit to ignoring this problem up until three and a half weeks ago um I was completely unknown Travis Spencer reached out and because he had heard what what I was doing so we had a conversation and then we put a handful of videos together that have just jumped off the charts in terms of what they’re doing so not that many people know this circumstance its reach is somewhat limited um only because nobody even knew three and a half weeks ago that I even existed I’ve never been on social media I Didn’t Know Jack squat about it so I’m I’m kind of learning little by little but the bigger the breadth of this like I said there’s now at least one signature from 47 different states so the more this gets pushed out every day that goes by the more power we get and there is power in numbers numbers so I’m hopeful that eventually the Texas legislature um will have no choice but to wake up and smell the coffee because the closer we get to the US Supreme Court the worse this gets for the State of Texas now there is a circular argument there if we actually put it into the federal court and we win well this is a multi-billion dollar hit to the state of Texas do I expect any money no because the state doesn’t have it and you can’t turn around to the taxpayers and go get it go what is the end game here the end game is to eliminate the property taxes and because Mom and Pop’s balance sheet has been decimated If you eliminate the property taxes you put the power back in Mom and Pop’s hands where their balance sheet in 30 years by virtue of the principal reduction they can retire from this plus a little bit call $2,400 um a year stuck in an index fund they’ll put 900,000 in their pocket in 30 years from now there’s things that can be done the point is this is so so far off the charts there is no other solution because these cads have literally taken something that’s supposed to be objective right usap is about being objective you have to quantify what you’re doing they took something that’s supposed to be objective and literally made it 100% subjective and in the process destroyed Mom and Pop’s balance sheet mean 37% of your population cannot afford the house the roof over their head and and to that point Don Spencer on under threat of perjury stood in front of the pre press stood in front of the board and said well the average price of a home in Denton County is $514,000 okay that’s mathematically impossible he said the average price is $514,000 the median household income is $109,000 $109,000 at Max can only afford a $296,000 home the the government’s actual number gross income to value is 28% the net result of that is that 67% of your population total population can’t afford what Don Spencer was saying is median value of a home if 67% of the population can’t afford it then it’s not the median or the average is it he not only that yeah not only that but uh if you keep raising these property taxes just on this subjectivity based on what the government needs at a certain point the people can’t pay it and they’re going to have to sell those homes to extract the equity because they can no longer afford they might be able to afford their fixed rate mortgage but they can’t afford the maintenance they can’t afford the property taxes especially if they’re artificially you know 100% higher than where they should be they sell and then the property values go down and I think the bigger impact is on the Pension funds because the there’s a lot of financial institutions that I’m sure have these Bonds on their balance sheet where the underlying asset for those Bond or the the is the cash flow coming in from these uh property taxes and if that goes away or if that declines then you blow a hole in these Pension funds which goes right back to the average John Jane so I mean I’m just a Layman looking at this from the outside uh looking in but my goodness gracious I think you’re going to get some m massive push back I mean keep doing it it’s incredible but there’s going to be a lot of powerful people and this could take them down including a lot of the Pension funds and and who knows the systemic risk there I’m just looking at from an economic standpoint but Robert uh go ahead I didn’t mean to cut you off there oh yeah yeah the those are all good points uh explain two things one is how do these appraisers get into the positions that they have in Texas are they elected are they appointed are they appointed by elected officials is at the local level the state level and then secondly it sounds like the subjectivity that you’re describing and increasing the appraisal of the values the homes for tax revenue purposes is not being done uniform in other words that 30% of the homes say are being HIIT do I understand that right in other words are they saying hey we’re just going to jack up every value of every home in our entire County by 25% because that helps us hit our numbers or are they saying let’s look at the more say politically susceptible communities and let’s hit them or let’s do it randomly to say 30% so a majority aren’t objecting how how how is it working in practice it’s Target where all the Trump voters live yeah exactly well the property valuation study as created by the state com controller is in fact targeting communities they targeted Aubrey Pilot Point Sanger but the cheating under the hood so watch this for a second we ran a standard deviation analysis on my own subdivision there are houses in the subdivision that I built okay the value went down four I went up 65% the uniformity of application is virtually non-existent then you get into the commercial properties so this year I got hit on an eight standard deviation move on one of my properties so to be real clear an eight standard deviation move is one in 390 billion okay there’s only 500,000 property tax accounts in Denton County you know it can’t happen so that’s how bad this is there’s no uniformity of application and you know George to your point think of it this way what do you think is going to happen when 30,000 houses hit the market in this Marketplace Denton County at one time from those who can’t afford it see the cumulative effect and then to your point about the bonds this is off theart charts how bad this is so watch this one I hand or the cat hands to the taxing entity let’s call it lville Independent School District I’m sorry Mitch who’s the cad Central Appraisal District Denton Central Appraisal District it doesn’t matter whether it’s Denton or Oklahoma a Central Appraisal District is a Central Appraisal District okay got it the school district itself you understand that the balance sheet of a school district virtually has no assets when you read the balance sheet what does a school have the the buildings okay I’ve bought buildings from schools you tear them down the land that’s under the buildings is levered it’s called a bond they have bonds for land they have bonds for buildings they have bonds for uh driveways they got bonds for roofs they got bonds for stadiums it’s a spaghetti bowl of bonds but George the point that I I want to make is that who are the bond holders it’s the Pension funds okay the school board has no assets except the deemed ability to get taxes from the taxpayer that we’ve already gone through can’t afford it so the Tipping Point is here the Tipping Point is now because there’s no Mass to support any more growth or fraud at the level of the taxing entities such as the school districts who are the pension holders it’s not Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley goes to the pensioners and says give us multiple Pension funds give us the money we’ll go put it into some of these school districts into their bonds okay the problem is that by way of example LISD hasn’t paid off any Bonds in three years what are they doing with all these bonds they roll them out and they roll them up they roll out the timeline and they roll up the interest rates three years ago 2.78 today let’s call it 7.78 on average so instead of paying the stuff off when it was dirt cheap they just kept compounding so I call it cumulative compounding their method is the exact reverse of what an amortization schedule is supposed to be they’re amortizing up amortization schedules when you own a house you amortize down you’re able to pay it off in 25 or 30 years they can’t they never have they roll up and they roll out the cumulative compounding effect of the fraud is why we’re at the Tipping Point and why they can’t use usap or anything else because they’ve created a systemic fraud that can’t be paid off and as far as those powerful entities saying well you know we’re going to object we’re going to object you can object to the cows come home this game is over you’re being exposed and it’s going to happen whether I’m standing here or not because Mom and Pop can’t pay what are you trying to do cause a civil war you make people desperate they’re going to do desperate things we’re trying to say wait a minute this has gotten out of hand this is fixable painfully but it’s fixable if you let it go to the point where the market jumps in front of you it’s everybody this is game over this will affect the billionaires because what’s a billionaire guy going to do he’s got 400 employees and all of a sudden let’s say 50% of them show up and say I can’t pay my taxes what do you think is going to happen to that Billionaire’s company this is a systemic problem and to be clear Mitch can you explain how these school districts are going to these uh I guess these trials and saying no you you you can’t put a freeze on the uh tax increases until you figure this out because we bust so so they’re on the brink on the brink of going bust as it is and that’s with the artificially High the fraudulent numbers that they’re getting from these from these cads so if they if they were actually to get the tax revenue that they are supposed to get then they’re they’re they’re done these school districts are completely done and then I they go to bankruptcy or I mean I guess that’s a question for Robert we put um an article together on behalf of a school district called itasa itasa um Southside of of Texas was actually funding okay solar Fields through the state comp controller’s office there’s no law allowing that it’s called a 313 agreement State comp controller created the 313 agreements the memo that I put together said it’s my recommendation and my humble opinion that itasa school district should be put into chapter nine effective immediately and completely Unwound the value of those solar Fields do you know that they signed those agreements with no guarantee of Return of principal and no guarantee of Return of investment no return on investment so the bottom line is George you said it 100% I mean these school districts don’t have the money so in Taran County literally three weeks ago two and a half weeks ago Teran Appraisal District said we’re going to freeze these real estate taxes effect immediately for the next three years seven days after they said that a lady by name of Emily wolf wrote an article and she recorded that meeting and in that article and in that meeting U all the school districts of tarant County that’s Fort Worth showed up and said you cannot freeze these values and you must annually keep increasing them or we’re bankrupt at which point I chimed in and said listen idiots you are bankrupt today that money doesn’t exist because what they refuse to look at is who’s paying it that’s Mom and Pop and we already know we’ve got the evidence that 37% of the households can’t pay it they’re going to go broke Andor they’re going to lose the roof over their head and therein lies the problem they simply will not recognize the fraud that they have created year after year it’s cumulative compounding effect we’re at the Tipping Point they just don’t want to pay attention to it my point is if you let the market start to push this down you will not be able ble to stop this snowball when this gets to the point of the bond holders when those Bond holders wake up and smell this fraud they will sue everybody and everything in sight now they won’t be able to collect from the school districts because again they’re not worth anything but that’s not the point they’ll go after the individuals which they can do in law they can bankrupt everybody in sight anybody who’s touched this is In Harm’s Way they think they’re not but they are the go ahead Robert yeah I was say you know uh in 2002 I was a young lawyer two years out of Law School uh and joined a public interest law firm with an old uh tax lawyer uh that had retired from tax law and wanted to do public interest work so and we ended up representing for a range of reasons uh a bunch of folks who are getting scammed in their homes in mortgages by every means possible holder and due course principles were being used to basically create Fly by Night operations Etc long story short we stumbled into the subprime real estate coming implosion six years before it happened and we put it all together figured out what was happening how was happening why it was happening how you know the collateralization of these loans was a creating and was incentivizing people getting bad loans on bad reasons I mean people know about the part of people who didn’t have credit getting loans that they couldn’t repay they don’t know about all the equity stripping that also took place you know you hire a 20-year-old model to go take out a sixpack of beer to the widower Grandpa and all of a sudden he’s refi on a home he didn’t need a refi on uh the and things like that that took place but when we went for legal relief and remedy outside of individual cases of individual PL ifs before courts the the all the political class had no interest in hearing about it uh even though we explained all mean I remember detailing we had six of the biggest bank representatives there talking about here’s what’s going to happen you know talking about the big short six years before the big short and they but there was too much money in it too much money in it for the financial side too much money in it for the politician side they didn’t want to touch it with a 10- foot pole and they would rather let it all implode and blow up then take Pro protective proactive action because you have to try to find somebody in the system who is not corrupted by the incentives in place because what you’re describing is State profits from this County profits from this the city profits from this the elected officials the appointed officials keep their jobs and get their jobs from this the elected officials get to keep their jobs because we’re not raising taxes only you know some people’s houses went up some people’s building properties went up that’s all but we’re not raising any taxes I mean that’s how they could otherwise solve this problem they have a revenue need fine raise the property taxes across the board problem is then you get thrown out of office because that’s mismanaging the budget according to most votes and and the problem is people don’t have the money anymore Robert that that’s the problem even if they wanted to solve the problem by increasing taxes even more there’s no more money left that the the turnup has been go ahead yeah you can always squeeze the Tomato so hard so long the then that flips in the other side of how this plays into institutional actors you know that you’ll you’ll own nothing and be happy I mean so like when I was digging into end up representing people against Wells Fargo and you know vulture funds and all the rest people who own different kinds of businesses they got flipped into bad loans and then got had their properties taken from out from underneath them often the same thing is happening for Farms right now in the United States Farm Banks supposed to be helping Farmers they’re not they’re they’re squeezing Farmers to sque to steal their farms at bottom Barrel prices because a lot of farmers got hammered due to the lockdowns like take almond farms in California you can’t stop growing almonds but you you had to stop shipping them and people had to stop buying them so what happens price collapses at the same time and your input items labor and fuel cost Spike all of a sudden you’re underwater for say two three years well the farm banks are supposed to be there to help you by federal law are instead coming in and using that Spike to say Hey you missed a payment screw you we’re going to put you into non-judicial foreclosure we’re going to sell your property in six months why because somebody else is coming in and wants that property on the cheek that’s the other fact you can’t fully exclude who is looking at these properties and thinking we don’t mind if these go to property tax auction uh because we get them at a certain discount that that they can individually and institutionally profit I mean you look at who’s been buying up a lot of real estate in the United States over the past five years one of the things you mentioned Robert Kennedy’s been talking about goes the why is all of a sudden housing so inaccessible for say middle class Millennials and Zoomers it might have something to do with some of the Wall Street funds that are involved in almost trying to monopolize parts of that market space the uh and you’re talking about the same compy companies that have overlapping interest everywhere you look I mean black Rock’s basically like its own country at this point uh it’s got 10% of this 50% of that 20% of this you know over and over again so the hurdle you’ll face is not a legal one it’ll be a political one that judges are politicians like everybody else all the legislators and executive branch people are politicians by nature and what you’re describing is something that an honest prosecutor an honest cop an honest Sheriff an honest political official an honest appointed official an honest executive branch official I mean I do have confidence in the Attorney General’s office in Texas but he’s taking on everybody already he’s suing fizer he’s doing you know attorney general Paxton well you if if I if we went to him with this one he’d be like okay so you want me to upset pretty much everybody in the entire State uh every city politician County politician State politician because what you’re describing is the state profits from this uh and then you got all the bond holders and you point out the conundrum that Bond holders would have if they actually highlight this fraud they probably never get repaid that they’re better off keeping the fraud alive as long as they can it’s like the perverted Marketplace that developed when I was when we were doing those subprime lending cases in 2002 people were so invested they couldn’t stop even even when we kept saying you’re going to go off the cliff this doesn’t work long term this is unsustainable this is Venezuela uh and and yet so I think that’s there’s a lot of legal theories now I think there’s insurance companies that could be sued there’s a range of other uh pra people connected to this that could be sued a suit on behalf of bond holders could be brought the the the hurdle you’ll have is all the institutional incentives of all the people in positions of power would be for this case to never see the light of day yeah but I mean even if Mitch wasn’t here the rubber meets the road because you’re you’re trying to steal from people money they just flat out don’t have and and Mitch can you explain to the viewers how Fanny and Freddy also profit from this scam so there’s a fellow by Nam of Jeremy Bago and Jeremy is the proverbial 1600 pound gorilla in the appraisal World he’s a good writer very intelligent guy and he did a video with Travis Spencer and I’ve known Jeremy now for four years or so five years and Jeremy this is just literally like 10 days ago so he explained that the appra rers that work for Freddy Fanny HUD are literally being forced to commit fraud to hit the target number on those appraisals or they get fired or they don’t get another job so same and then Robert asked a question which is really good he I think he said how many what does it take to be an RPA well here’s something that’s so sick and perverse it’s off it’s crazy 50 hours how the world as a person with 50 hours of training by the way the license is from tdlr Texas department of licensing and regulation the same entity that regulates bikini wax people okay 50 hours how can a person with 50 hours of training be able to stand toe-to-toe with me on an income and balance sheet they don’t even know what it is so it’s it’s literally the definition of the blind leading the blind they don’t know what a standard deviation is so you run into all these problems and then that is exactly where Jeremy Bago was going well it turns out that okay so Bago is talking about HUD Fanny Freddy that they’ve got they’re being forced to commit fraud or they don’t eat well that’s exactly what’s happening inside of the cads hit the target number you the appraiser the RPA or you’re out of here hit the target number or you don’t get your pension this thing stinks to high heaven in every single Avenue you look at and the only way out of it is is eliminated because you have to have something that’s objective well a sales tax is objective now yes it’s got to have a little bit of work done across all the states but the point is the system is there and it can be fixed to the point where you eliminate all this subjectivity and stop people from going bankrupt that don’t have the money yeah when you include Fanny and Freddy in this as well it’s my goodness I I absolutely think that we should try to solve this problem but you’ve got to go through some serious economic pain uh to to solve this problem because there’s so many Financial entities that have benefited from this ruse you know sounds like George it sounds like oddly enough like China it sounds like know China’s local governments are all tied into their real estate so any way they can raise revenue and they caught themselves in a situation that they couldn’t even a communist country couldn’t figure out its way out of it uh you know that has complete State Control still couldn’t find a means to pull out uh with in time because everybody got to aligned with the same incentives well let’s just see if we can get it going keep it going for one more month maybe maybe two more months and just had that was the their Horizon uh but I I agree with you George I think a best approach on this to reach someone that might do something about it if you’re talking to a judge who puts together oh okay you want me to upset everybody in the world is this is unsustainable that you know that you want to be the judge who steps in front of 2008 in 2006 not 2009 and because ultimately they’ve created a problem for themselves mean aside from all the illegality that’s not functional that’s not sustainable uh what’s amazing of course is Cala Harris is going around talking about a National Property Tax I mean disguising uniz yeah unrealized capital gains tax but there’s a legal word for that it’s property tax that’s what it is uh I mean that’s what the 16 amendment does prohibit at the federal level so the uh uh now have you had any success using like Foya or Sunshine laws to get to sort of uh maybe get more incriminatory information that might be buried somewhere in a government email or document or file um at this point we really I believe don’t need it because we’ve got so many audio tapes of these people at dcad I mean it’s on tape it’s on video we have judge eids standing in Fr of the county Comm he is the county commissioner standing at the commissioner’s board defending Michelle French who’s a tax assessor collector after the two of them were yelled at by one of the taxing entities the mayor of Lakewood Village and he happens to be a forensic accountant and he was jumping up and down saying every single one of your numbers is fraud you can’t do this he was so mad and so frustrated he simply turned he yelled at them turned around walked out so we’ve got it we got the Audio I mean we have so many people pieces of evidence like I said they don’t have a defense it’s just people don’t want to pay attention but there’s another way to get to this right because it’s gonna there’s another way to break the cads there’s these people are dancing on a razor blade so if you if 40% of the population simply said that’s it we’re going to go full throttle and go to an ARB appraisal review board process and we are going to take the process all the way through to the end of that ARB well 40 % of the property owners went and did that you can break the cat there’s more than one way to skin the cat and that’s an individual I assume in Texas has the right to appeal administratively through the bureaucratic process to the appraisal review board any increase in the valuation of their home yes but the appraisal review boards are supposed to be independent bodies they are not they are bought and paid for by the cats it’s it’s all part and parcel of the same fraud but that’s kind of not the issue the issue is bankr the cads the more people that file lawsuits like there’s 588 lawsuits on average that get filed at Denton Central Appraisal District if you double that you just bankrupted the cad if you say that’s it we’re going to go from uh let’s call it 7,000 ARB protests we’re going to ratchet that up to 12,000 you bankrupted the cad there’s multiple ways to accomplish the same goal now it doesn’t fix the overall fraud that’s being systemic and it doesn’t fix the trillions of dollars that are risk here because that’s the type of numbers you’re talking about so coincidentally I I ran that just the other day and there’s 3,143 appraisal districts or counties right counties in in the state entire United States if you simply said that they overvalued the properties for each County by 1.5 billion that is just short of one trillion per year being stolen now just to be clear Denton Central Appraisal District did this to the tune of 67 billion so one and a half billion is ungodly conservative but you can start to see the size of the numbers when taking across the entire United States but if 37% of your population your household population can’t pay the bill what have you done you know these are humans doing this to other humans and we are at the Tipping Point there’s no money to pay for this so who should be put into bankruptcy it’s not Mom and Pop it’s the entities themselves I mean from my standpoint I don’t I mean obviously Robert has a much better idea as to how this will likely play out legally but my thing is um regardless of what giant entities uh get in your way Mitch uh people have to know about this they they have to know that this is happening to them regardless of how it it plays out it it’s just I don’t know Robert how do we what would be your base case as far as how this plays out legally and then what would be your plan of attack to make sure that people knew as many people as possible know the extent to which they’re being defrauded and what can they do about it yeah I think toold I think it’s a good idea that if people know their right of protest and the basic rights of filing a suit challenging their the appraisal that what the ordinary person could probably benefit from is like a One-Stop shop template that borrows a lot of the things he’s already done right so that they don’t have to research it reinvestigate it they could just plug and play and say okay this is what happened to me too and I can borrow the legal language I can borrow the temp I can borrow the uh the the accounting lingo the Professional Standards language the able cases out there so that basically everybody can file those in mass and and that would get the Court’s attention just because of the volume and would get the defend would get the cities and the counties attention because of the volume you’ll have I mean I I do civil rights cases right now against my hometown in Tennessee and the way they handled volume was uh they dischar they they ended all contracts with private lawyers and let their local associate Council try to become a civil rights expert overnight um and she’s you know doing 30 cases uh and you know we’ll see how that works out for them but the smarter path would have been to fix the underlying problem but you know they’re politicians the what is interesting is I kind of give him credit to a certain degree if you’re like a parks and wreck kind of corrupt politician the it’s kind of the thing that you would think of oh we don’t ever raise taxes we just randomly find 30% of the people to screw over and just jack up their appraisals and we get everybody invested in the process so that everybody’s got who’s got cash in their pocket other than the person whose cat whose cash is coming out of their pocket uh is uh is screwed and and we can run on how we’ve never ra raised taxes here in Denton County or wherever it is uh as SC yeah it’s it’s a Boss Hog level scam you know the uh right exactly exactly what happens Dukes of Hazard and and The Big Short come to Denton County Texas yeah that’s just you just hit the nail on the head there Boss Hog level scam that’s for sure and you to your point so Travis Spencer it’s a big job because we now realize that this is across the United States so he is in the process and I’m working with him to get this done but we are creating the templates that people generically can use across the states we’re probably another 10 days away from having it finished and it’ll need polishing over time as as people say well put this in put that in but we’re on the path to doing that to help Mom and Pop and the more exposure this gets it really is about Mom and Pop because they don’t have the ability to understand this and because everybody’s busy in their lives but you’re 100% right that template would mean an awful lot to a lot of people yeah and if it gives us the ability to destroy the Cass and bankrupt them regardless of what the state level is doing Hallelujah whatever we can do to destroy the cads individually so be it if that means we have to start suing the rpas themselves under threat of perjury or under perjury because they’ve committed perjury and we have to start suing the members of the ARB panels we’re prepared to do it we’re prepared to take this to the US Supreme Court well I mean you do have potential they make it hard all the courts but you do have potential civil rights claims yeah because in some cases they’re being deprived of the well they are being deprived of their property without due process of law to there’s an argument though they make it difficult these days uh in the tax regulatory context that some of these are takings uh without just compensation depending on the circumstances in terms of what ultimately happens to a lot of these people that end up with their property literally taken uh sold it a property tax auction or the like the uh the hurdle will just be a political hurdle uh the they’ll have all the ponas pilot what I call the pones pilot pretext of judges of why and where and how they by golly they wish they could get involved with but they just can’t fix that problem and you know they’re standing I used to say it’s like election cases how is it we go last two weeks ago Robert Kennedy not being allowed on the ballot according to the courts and this week they’re saying oh no no you have to stay on the ballot by the same courts right the uh uh it’s I used to say that you know it’s it’s not right by Spring there’s actually legal Doctrine called ress uh it’s moot by summer that’s another Doctrine M and it’s latches by fall uh you know how you know the uh so that if you sue early too early sue the right time not the right time uh you know it’s like Goldilocks uh you sue late you’re out and then of course maybe just never have standing anyway and if none of those four don’t work uh standing was the doctrine the Supreme Court used to weasel out of the collusion of government censorship with Facebook and everybody else now luckily Robert Kennedy’s case is allowed to be sustained but everybody else has got toss uh or they go to immunity it’s either sovereign immunity it’s statutory immunity it’s constitutional immunity which is ironic because the doctor of unity deres from the principle that the king is God and thus can do no wrong so the American Constitution American Revolution was about overthrowing that entire system of governance and judges just made it up and invented it about you know half a century in uh you don’t find a lot of immunity or standing or ripeness or mootness or latches or political question non non-justiciability Doctrine interpretations until more than a half a century in in many cases even longer than that some cases the word standing didn’t exist in American law until 1920s uh but they’re all political they’re pontious pilot wipe our hands we wish we could get involved but we can’t excuses it’s not really a legal or constitutional excuse It’s a political pretext for judges evading their responsibility but I think the best argument is that ultimately they’re they’re in a Jonestown style suicide paact if they keep going down this financial self-destructive path on the Practical side and on the how what can probably best work is build a lot of templates get the information and education out to people so they know it’s happening number one and if they Google it you know they Google you know why did my appraisal rate go up something like that they find some site well Google won’t help so we have to go to another site to find it but the uh to to find the information and then be able to have templates out there so people can like you’re back during the vaccine mandate stuff uh the the i w say I I published a letter that came from a bottle in the uh down the river it was how it was phrased because the state bars will say you can’t provide legal advice outside of Select situations so the published a letter that just gave it people a template here’s how to object to a vaccine mandate if your employer mandates it here’s the kind of language the courts tend to respect and recognize and there were literally thousand tens of thousands of people I’ve heard from hundreds of them myself that use that letter to to be able to protect themselves so I think having templates that ultimately starts in Texas but probably does have to be across the country because this scam is too good for every County not to be dipping into it it just just is what it is yeah when Mitch first brought this to my attention I’m like you know I hate to say this but it makes sense like why would they not be doing this especially in today’s day and age and you know another thing Robert you touched on it earlier that they could be targeting specific individuals based on their political views or based on maybe something said on Twitter because just think about it practically if you do it to everybody you run a risk of political blowback just the same as if you raise the taxes you’d be better off doing it on 30% of the people targeting the most politically like my guess is certain big corporate interests that have property maybe they don’t Target them just as a matter of how they might blow back on them so you target the the the folks that have resource ources but don’t have big political Capital maybe are new to the community aren’t deeply entrenched aren’t don’t show up at every campaign fundraiser uh aren’t within certain constituencies that are being politically protected and so my guess is if you dig in you’ll find some discriminatory animus involved in a fair number of these cases as well yeah we’ve templ the templates would let you do that easier because then you could by based on who’s filing uh these um Appeals you could see if there’s some common denominators there well Pilot Point Aubrey Sanger were specifically targeted my subdivision was specifically targeted how do we know that well we know that because the average increase in 24 okay 2024 was literally 24% here’s the problem Pilot Point Aubrey Sanger the average was double up 48% that cannot happen right if the average across the entire county is 24% please explain the double up right and in those areas it’s not because there’s so much growth now there is growth there’s no doubt about it but the growth has got nothing to do when you’re taxing values on existing assets right like I keep saying they don’t have a defense they cannot attack on any of these numbers it’s their numbers we didn’t invent them we merely sprinkle some statistical analysis and probability on top of it and called BS on all of it you’re wrong you’re lying and we’ve got the evidence and by the way the evidence is your own tapes it’s your own audio it’s your own certifications they falsified a tax certification okay in 22 you know the the best way to get a good appraisal job is to put at the top of your CV account it for Bernie maid off this this makes Bernie M look like AER yeah I mean Bernie was at least a little smarter he tried to keep it realistic yeah yeah M Mitch do you have a website yes so it’s Mockingbird dccad and there are gigabytes DC a DC a okay yeah and there are gigabytes of data we’re giving everybody everything we have access to everything that we have found it’s all there we want everybody to go and look and nobody I mean you have to realize throughout these lawsuits and everything no body has been able to come back and find a single thing that is wrong and we keep saying listen there could be a mistake that’s fine we’re happy to remove it and we’ll apologize for the one mistake but here’s your problem dcat I got another 1100 documents in behind it so it isn’t going to change the story We the evidence is the evidence we didn’t make it they did it’s government numbers government statistics yeah but but even more so to get the word out and to to let people know uh that this is just a possibility that they could be U the government may have been stealing from them quite literally for the last five years due to Art artificially increasing their property taxes to a level where they just shouldn’t be by law and just the more people that can actually know that I think the better it’s like a crowdsourcing of this information and I mean at the end of the day think about how many people own their own homes and if this were to be proven true I mean you got people going to the streets with torches and pitchforks I mean think about how many pissed off people you’re going to have they’re going to be quite literally demanding their money back and then this just opens up the kimono in addition to everything that we’ve seen since 2020 that shows you know the average Joe and Jane that they just cannot trust these governments and they’ve got to hold them accountable no and to Robert’s Point um because I do like to read history uh yes sir we are back at the war of 18112 this is exactly how the Americans were founded for the exact same reason right it was the British that said we’re going to charge you Americans a tax on your land Americans future Americans said screw you we’re out of here bye-bye poof instant War this is the exact same thing playing out live except now it’s worse because it’s levered to the tune of trillions and there just the money just doesn’t exist so if you make people desperate they will do desperate things the goal here is to stop that from happening before it gets out of the shoot and just simply say do not let the market get in front of this that’s there’s going to be pain but if we do it the way that we’re saying to do it okay the pain will be manageable do it the way that the market jumps in front of it when those Bond holders wake up there will be no way to stop this yeah all right Robert any last thoughts buddy I’m thanks a lot for coming on and uh you had no idea what we were going to do I just kind of this kind of threw you baptism by fire I I knew that you would love this and it’s right in your wheelhouse so I I thought it’d be a great conversation what do you think George from a economic perspective in other words I mean it would there be some interest in shorting some of I mean like sometimes economic actions lead to the necessary reform um that’s a good point is there is there a way to short these Bond these bonds I don’t know but I’ll definitely research it absolutely because I mean you know talk I always talk about the speculative side of my portfolio I I mean just from a a capitalist standpoint an investor standpoint I mean I don’t know a better risk reward than shorting those bonds that that’s for sure at least the portion of the portfolio so yeah I’ll definitely look into it do a video on it and then um when we get offline here I’ll connect you guys via email so Mitch if you have any questions or Robert if you have any feedback uh you guys can just communicate and hopefully um you know the the power of the community will help you have higher odds of tackling this problem and coming out uh Victorious uh but like I said at the very least you’re getting the word out and opening up people’s eyes and that end end of itself is a big win in my view absolutely and I just want to thank both of you and I am truly honored it’s um Robert I’d like to get you those 10 pages while those laws being broken because you’ll see how all this stuff ties together but oh sure you know like I said I’m quite honored thank you Mitch one more Mitch one more time can you give us your website please yes it’s Mockingbird dcad okay fantastic all right guys as always make sure that you’re standing up for Freedom Liberty free market capitalism we’ll see you on the next video

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